Part 2

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Taehyung woke up surrounded by loud, annoying voices, that he knew all too well.

"Everyone better shut the fuck up before I go on a murder spree," He muttered.

"Taehyung!" Bogum shouted, smiling as he jumped on top of the younger.

He groaned, "What do you want?"

"To know how you're feeling,"

"I would feel better if I didn't have you crushing me," He smiled sarcastically.

Bogum got up with a roll of his eyes, making the other people in the room snicker.

"No, but seriously, how are you?" Bogum asked worriedly, helping him sit up. Not that he needed the help.

He leaned back against the wall behind his bed, closing his eyes, "I'm fine,"

"Okay.....well how do you feel now that you're 22? Cuz bitch, today's your birthday!" Hyungsik grinned, holding out a box.

"Oh, it is, isn't it?" Taehyung mumbled, taking the box. He didn't care. He just wanted to lie back down and go back to sleep so he never had to run into them again. "Thank you, really,"

"Open it!"

Taehyung shook his head, "Not right now. I have to brush my teeth and stuff. Plus, I don't like opening presents in front of people, you should know that,"

Hyungsik deflated, leaning against the wall sadly, "I know...but we wanted to see you open it! Oh yeah, it's from all of us, not just me,"

Seojoon smacked his arm, "Dick,"

Minho ignored them, narrowed eyes scanning Taehyung up and down, "Can I have a word with him alone?"

They all shrugged, leaving with no hesitance, besides Bogum, who declared he needed to kiss Taehyung's forehead 22 times.

"Taehyung," Minho started, voice low and angry, "Stop lying, I hate it,"

Taehyung shrugged, "I have no idea what you mean,"

Minho's fists clentched, nails digging into the palm of his hand, "You had a panic attack, a major panic attack, because of your verbally abuse ex-boyfriends, who told you so many awful things, and you are okay?"

"I told you," Taehyung sighed, "I'm fine,"

"And I told you that the next time you lied to me about something like this, I will not keep my promise,"

Taehyung paled, "No Hyung, please,"

"Then stop fucking lying to me,"

"I just.....just don't hurt them,"

"No promises,"

The caramel haired boy shrunk, pulling his blankets up further, "I'll tell you, I will, but I don't wanna talk about it right now. It's my birthday, I want to have fun, not burst into tears,"

"Fun meaning....let's go shopping and then go clubbing to get you someone to stay the night with?" Minho asked, smirking.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, throwing off his blankets, accepting Minho's help up when he staggered, forgetting how to walk so early in the morning. Early being 9 in the morning.

"No," He denied, "Fun meaning, I will not be forced into doing something I don't want to do on my birthday, but I will go shopping as long as I'm not buying anything and someone else is paying for all of my shit,"

"Of course someone else will be paying, probably Bogum, that fuckhead is rich as shit," Minho mumbled, walking him into the bathroom.

"K thanks, now shoo," Taehyung pushed him out, shutting and locking the door so he could shower.

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