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Hey yall, so guess who decided to leave her book of ideas at their dad's house? Me lol. So, I only remember one idea well enough to write it down and here it is. I don't remember the title, just the plot but I'll add a title tomorrow if I can convince my mum to drive me to my dad's house to get it. So the actual story is pretty weird and yeah, if any of you guys can tell me how my sleep deprived brain thought of this idea, then I will pay you because I have absolutely no clue how I thought of this idea, I was just up at like 2 am the other day and I thought "Hm, let's make Sherlock Welsh" and here we are. Also, when I name the song Sherlock was singing, it's a song from my primary school and it was just the first one that came into my head. I looked it up and there's some violin sheet music for it though I think it's generally played on the piano.

 John's POV
I woke up from a particularly bad nightmare and I heard Sherlock playing violin. It was a piece I had never heard before and it sounded amazing. It was soft and beautiful. The music was relaxing and it made me tired again. 

Feeling tired once again, I lay down to go back to sleep. The song stopped suddenly for a few moments before starting again but from the beginning. Except, this time, it wasn't just the violin, Sherlock was singing with it. Thinking about it, I had never heard Sherlock singing before. He was really rather good at it.

Completely exhausted, I fell asleep almost immediately. I couldn't quite hear the lyrics because my door was shut but it still sounded melodious. The music slowly lulled me to sleep. 

The next night, I woke up yet again. I did most nights. Once again, I could hear Sherlock playing the violin and singing. Wanting to hear the lyrics, I went to my door and opened it silently and I ever so quietly went down the stairs. 

Sherlock was facing away from me and playing the violin and singing. Never in my life had I heard the song before. It didn't even sound like it was in English. I leaned against the doorframe and waited for him to finish the piece. 

Once he finished, he turned away, presumably to look for a piece of sheet music. He saw me and froze instantly. I just waved at him and he looked surprised. 

"W-what are you doing up?" 

"Woke up from a nightmare, heard you singing, thought I'd see what was going on as I've never heard you singing before." I explained. "What song was that anyway? It didn't even sound English."

"That's because it's not. It's called Yma O Hyd (hello there song from my childhood which I would like to play but I'd have to pay £4 on the internet for cello sheet music). It's a Welsh song I learned years ago." He muttered. 

I knew the great Sherlock Holmes spoke a great deal of languages, but I never knew he spoke Welsh. I didn't know many people did still speak it. 

"You speak Welsh?" I asked surprised. 

"No, John, I can just sing a song completely fluently in Welsh. Of course I speak it, you idiot." Sherlock explained, clearly exasperated at me asking obvious questions.

"Why do you speak it?" I asked, genuinely curious. Welsh wasn't a language you learned unless you lived there (yeah let's be real, Welsh isn't really gonna help me if I ever move out of Wales. Still, it's nice to speak it). 

Sherlock sighed. "Because, John, if you must know, I grew up there so I speak the language and every so often sing Welsh songs or speak Welsh to my mum or Mycroft so I don't forget it all." He explained and I simply nodded. 

"You don't sound Welsh though" I said. "Neither does Mycroft" I added.

"I don't sound it" He said. "But I can." He finished in a Welsh accent (cries in not having any sort of accent whatsoever unless I'm actually speaking Welsh). 

"Why do you have fake English accent?" 

"Because my family moved to London when I was 15 and the idiots at my school laughed at Mycroft and I for not sounding English so we practised English accents just to sound normal" He said, still using his Welsh accent. 

I just nodded slightly and yawned. At some point, without noticing it, I had almost fallen asleep against the doorframe. "I like your Welsh accent. Your English one is... common but your Welsh one is unique."

Sherlock smiled at me and nodded as I said goodnight and went up to bed.

The next day, Sherlock continued to use his Welsh accent, even on a case which greatly confused Greg. Lestrade looked very bewildered as Sherlock started explaining who the murderer was in his natural accent. It was very difficult not to laugh at Lestrade's face.

Not only that, but whenever I would wake up from an especially bad nightmare, if Sherlock was awake when I went to make myself tea, then he would sing to me in Welsh which always lulled me back to sleep. 

Sherlock continued to use his Welsh accent, although Mycroft didn't because it confused Lestrade enough to have one of the Holmes brothers with a Welsh accent, he may not have coped with his husband having one as well (*chants* Mystrade Mystrade Mystrade).










Ngl, this chapter was... interesting. When I did the second to last paragraph, I was gonna list some Welsh songs but the only one I could think of was one which literally goes "Darllen a beibl, siarad a Duw, siarad a Duw, siarad a Duw, darllen y beible, siarad a Duw, i gael tyfu'n iawn", which translates to "Read the bible, speak to God, speak to God, speak to God, read the bible and speak to God to grow up right" so yeah I didn't include that lol. Halfway through, I imagined Sherlock with the accent of my head of year which made me die of laughter (sorry for the random voice messages at 11pm Gabi). Anyway, hope yall enjoyed this chapter that came from within the dark corners of my Welsh brain x

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