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Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"KAI, snap out of it."

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fu-

I startled as hands gabbed and shook me. I turned to see my brother staring at me in a mix of anger and worry.

"Snap out of it. What is wrong with you? This is not the time for you to get stuck in your head. We need to get out of here and decide where to head to next", Kendrick said as he turned from me to face the front of the truck that I was just now realizing I was sitting in. I had just met my mate. He was just in front of me.

"Shit, they're following us!", I heard my sister exclaim.

My brother and I both turned in our seats to look behind us. My eyes landed on a pack of wolves running down the trail after us, just like a few minutes ago my gaze was attracted to the biggest wolf and as I held his gaze I knew once again that that wolf was my mate.

"Shit! What do we do," Kendrick asked frantically.

Hearing the fear in Kendrick's voice shook me out of stupor, and I decided in that moment for the first time in nine years that I would use the magic that I so yearned to use. I closed my eyes and pulled from the earth the energy that I always felt around me yet couldn't use. My breaths slowed, my mind focused, and just like my parents had taught us when they were alive, I imagined a powerful barrier surrounding the wolves and preventing them from chasing us. A barrier that when they tried to attempt to leave, would throw them back. I felt as the magic swelled inside of me and almost as soon as it had, I felt it flow out of me.

I opened my eyes, to see my mate and his wolves running into the barrier I had just put up and being thrown back a few feet. My mate immediately got up and once again ran into the barrier to only be thrown back again. And just like last time he stood again, but this time he brought his eyes up to just stare at me. He slowly started to become smaller in my line of vision as the distance between the truck I sat in and where he stood increased. I watched him until I could no longer see him. No sooner than a second later, I heard the loud resonating howl of a wolf who I just knew was my mate. I turned around and faced forward.

My brother was turned towards me with a questioning and worried look in his eyes so to ease his heart I said, "Don't worry. I placed a barrier around them that can't be removed without a witch so they should be indisposed long enough for us to get out of town, find a new car, and to further our distance between us so we can regroup and come up with a plan of where we want to go to next."

"That's not what we're worried about right now," responded Junior. I looked to Kendrick to see him nodding his head in agreement.

"We're worried about the fact that the calm collected Kai who is reliable under pressure seemed to have frozen back there. You looked like you had seen a ghost", Kendrick spoke softly still gazing worriedly at me.

I closed my eyes took a deep breath and then said, "I saw my mate."

I felt the car swerve.

"WHAT?", they both exclaimed.

I opened my eyes and responded, "I saw my mate."

"Yeah, we heard you the first fucking time", Kendrick said exasperatedly as he turned around to face the front.

My sister cleared her throat and her fingers that had tightened on the steering wheel loosened. The truck went silent as they took in what I had said. We always knew that we had mates out there because everyone has one. A mate, that's your other half but we never thought much about it. Never really had time to with us being on the run and everything, but today was a realization that our mates want us dead just like everyone else. And you can't really blame them after all we were the triplets that were supposed to destroy the world

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