Your Backstory (Part 1)

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(Age: 4)

Growing up in Kyushu, Fukuoka your family was very poor and lived in a dark, run down neighborhood. While you were only 4  years old, you were very intelligent for a child your age. 

When your quirk started to develop your parents were confronted by a group of strange, very well-dressed people. 

When the strangers asked if they can speak to your parents, they had sent you to your room so they can talk to the strangers. 

You tried to use your quirk to listen in on their conversation but being as though you only had discovered your quirks ability almost a week before these weird people showed up, all you were able to pick up on was a single sentence one of the weird people had said,

"It's what's best for her."

Once they were done talking for about an hour, the people left. 

After this your parents quickly stormed into your room, started collecting your belongings and put them into a suitcase, not that there was that much.

"Mommy, Daddy, what are you doing?" you asked as you stand next to your doorway.

They pause and look at each other. With some kind of signal they gave each other, that you couldn't pick up on, your father continues to pack clothes, books, toothbrush, and hairbrush. 

As he's doing this your mother walks over and crouches down to you. 

She gently brushes her hand on your face and then cups her hand around. 

"You're going to be going somewhere." 

Your eyes light up with excitement, "Ooo are we going on a trip??"

"You are...unfortunately Mommy and Daddy can't go with you and.." her voice cracks as she starts to tear up and looks down to the ground.

"Mommy what's wrong?" you ask.

"You won't be able to see us for awhile."

You tilt your head out of confusion, "What do you mean?"

As if your father tried to cut the conversation short he asks aloud to your mother, "I finished getting her things, is there anything else that she needs?"

She lets go of your face and wipes her tears away.

"No that should be everything. They can provide her with whatever other necessities that she needs," your mother answers. 

She picks you up and starts carrying you to the front door. 

When she opens the door you look behind you and see the group of strange, well-dressed people standing right on the other side of the door and your mother puts you down. 

The man in the very front of the group kneels down to look at you and gives you a gentle smile.

 "Hey there, what's your name?" he asks.

"Y/N. F-F/N L/N," you answer with a stutter.

"Y/N? What a pretty name, your parents made a perfect choice for such a cutie pie," he pokes your nose. 

You give a soft smile. 

"I'm Hyun," holds his hand out to you, "Hyun Sha." 

You look at his hand not knowing what to do. 

You hesitate at first but then grab and shake his hand, speaking in a shy voice, "Nice to meet you Mr. Sha." 

He smiles and then stands up to face your mother and father and the way he looks at them was as if that gentle smile wasn't even there. 

Your father hands your suitcase to Mr. Hyun Sha and then one of the other men hands your parents an envelope. You turn to your parents and look at them confused.

When your parents notice you staring they both kneel down and hug you while tearing up, your mother crying more then your father.

"Be good, okay?" they ask you.

You hug them back, still confused and then they let go. You turn around and look at Mr. Hyun and he holds his hand out to you. 

Grabbing onto it, you look back at your parents as they get farther away from you as Mr. Hyun pulls you away to a black limo. 

Being that you lived in a very poor area there was a lot of people looking at the car, the well-dressed strangers, and you.

I wonder what they're saying,  you think to yourself. 

Out of curiosity you use your quirk to feel the vibrations of their voices and you try to make-out what they're saying.

"You think she's being taken into police custody?"

"Those clothes and car are worth more than my life.."

"Mommy where's Y/N going? I thought we had a play date today?"

"You can hang out with the other kids."

"Do you think her parents...?"

"No doubt they did I mean with her quirk she can be pretty valuable and if she's trained properly she'll be worth way more."

What are they talking about..? What did my parents do?

Before you can finish thinking about what they meant Mr. Hyun opens the car door and you get in with Mr. Hyun, whereas the rest of the well-dressed group gets into a different limo behind yours. 

When you get in the car you were too far for your quirk to pick up the vibrations in their voices especially since you never tried to use your quirk in such a way. 

Before the door closes a feather flies into the car, goes behind you, and then disappears. Mr. Hyun notices.

Hmm? So that must be it,  he thinks.

As the limo driver closed the car door, you looked out the window as you drove away.

 You see your mother drop to the floor crying while your father tries to comfort her, trying to stop her tears and calm her down. 

You see everyone, that were watching you and talking about you, watch the car drive away; little kids running into the road to get a better sight of the limo. 

You see the house you grew up in disappear into the distance as the limo continues driving forward without stopping for anything. 

You see everything and everyone that you've ever know disappear from your life. 

If only you or your parents had known what was in store for you when you stepped into that limo.


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