Your Backstory (Part 3)

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(Past event: 15 years from your current age)

Master: "Sir I'm sorry I told her to not leave the room under any circumstance; she will definitely be scolded for this, so do you think that this is really necessary??"

?: "Of course it's necessary!  Why didn't you tell us that you were going to bring her?! We could've prevented any of this from happening!"

Master: "I know and I apologize for not notifying you and the others but why must you do this to them?? "

?: "We can't risk them remembering any of this!" he says in a loud tone that turns into an evil smile, "At least not yet~"

Master: "If you don't mind me saying sir but this is just all a little crazy."

?: He smiles, 

?: "What about this is crazy? Won't you want to witness the outcome to what we have planned~? It might even make history, no it definitely will! But enough of"

He opens a suitcase containing syringes filled with some weird liquid.

?: "Bring them in. We must do it before the memory is longer!"

Master: "..Yes sir..."

After that day Master Hyun Sha acted like a completely different person and treated you cold-hearted and pushed you to train more intensely. You tried hard but couldn't think of anything you did wrong. He may have started acting like he didn't care about you but in his heart carried a heavy regret and a broken promise.

~Present Time~

(Age: 21)

You hear footsteps approaching the dark room you were locked in.

6 year old Y/N: "I hear something.. Please don't leave me.. I'm scared."

The little boy who's face was blurred out for some reason: "Don't worry I'll rescue you and then we won't be trapped in this cage that they keep us in. Then I'll make sure no one hurts us again!"

6 year old Y/N: "You promise?"

He grabs your hand as the door begins to unlock and open.

The little boy: "I promise."

The voice starts to fade away and then you start to wake up...

You start to sleep talk--more like yell

"You broke your promise!" you start to cry, " You never came to save me! I'm still alone and scared! Why would you leave me?! You said you were gonna set us free from this cage they put us in..!"

You keep crying into your pillow and eventually fall back to sleep, forgetting it ever happened, but then later...

As you were sleeping, Toga came into your room and threw a bucket of water onto you; you don't get scared since you were used to it from living with her and the others.

You sit up and keep your tired eyes half closed and looking down.

"What do you want Toga?."

"Shiggy told me to wake you up-- he said there's gonna be a meeting he wants all of us there to hear what he has to say. So hurry up and get ready~"

She waves as she walks out of your room with a happy skip but then pokes her head back in.

"Oops before I forget~ I'm running low on that yuuuuummy blood of yours so imma need a refreshing refill later, 'kay~? Thanks," she skips away.

You roll your eyes, ignoring the fact that you and your bed was completely drenched with the freezing water, and walk over to your shower to get ready for the meeting. 

It took about an hour to take a shower, brush your teeth, do your hair, and get dressed.

When you were walking downstairs to the kitchen you see everyone in the kitchen gathered together waiting for you. 

As you look around the group, you see Dabi and walk over to him,

"Hey what's going on?" you whisper.

"I don't know Shigaraki just said that there was gonna be a meeting," he whispers back.

Before you could reply to him, Tomura Shigaraki interrupts you and starts talking in that raspy voice of his,

"So now that everyone's finally here we can discuss our upcoming mission. Since we've attacked the U.A academy a good amount of times and caused a fun load of trouble, they started to up their defenses and offences a lot meaning that there's more pro heroes on the campus and patrolling the area to see if they spot anything close to suspicious,"

He continues.

"We also learned that the #1 and #2 heroes, Endeavour and Hawks, will be there. Since the nomu incident Endeavour decided to help protect the school and the bird-brain followed him like a fanboy. 

In order to avoid going against them we'll just have our fun somewhere else since the pros will be late to respond to anything besides the school's alerts. Our next mission will be a mall robbery and you can do whatever you want but just know that if any of you get caught, we'll leave you."

I haven't been on any of the missions for U.A since they wanted to keep me as an underground unit for the League.. this should be fun~  You think to yourself

"And since some of you are basically useless quirk wise," turns to you, "Try your best not to get caught. We leave in 3 days; that's all you can go now"

As you and Dabi start to walk out of the kitchen you keep your head down, thinking about what Shigaraki had said.

Dabi notices and gives a sigh, throwing his head back and placing his hands into his pocket.

"Y'know you're not useless right?"

Toga, overhearing what Dabi said, decides to jump into the conversation.

"Aww what do you mean Dabi~ She's been useless ever since All for One took her--"

He cuts her off with another sigh before she can finish her sentence.

"Shut up Toga she can still kick your ass in a fight and everyone here knows it."

"Stop defending her already Dabi it's been over a year. She still has yummy blood though.. Mmm the way it's color stains my lips, chin, and cheeks always makes me soooo happy~ So at this point,"

She walks up next to you and says in your ear with a giggle,

"She's just a wingless bloodbag now--"

You cut her off by kicking Toga into a wall, cracking some of the surrounding behind her.

Grabbing her by the neck, while she's down, you tell her,

"At this point I'm used to all your guy's insults but right now," you squeeze tighter, "I'm not in the mood."

You let her go and walk back upstairs to your room.

Dabi lets out a chuckle as he watches you walk away.

"I did tell you to shut up~" starts laughing, following you upstairs.

"Shut up Dabi," she dusts off some of the drywall that got into her hair and on her clothes and giggles, "She sure can be fun though~"


Hope you guys liked this chapter! It's going to start connecting to the version I created on my tiktok account; however, it's going to be more detailed! :)

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