Atsumu and oikawa

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                         In The Magix Realm

Atsumu's P.O.V

I was walking around trying to find Oikawa the queen had wanted to see us. I look over and find him talking to some girl.

I yell "OI, OIKAWA WERE GONNA BE LATE!" He waves bye to the girl and comes over to me. "Ooh come on I was just about to get her number!" I rolled my eyes at the dramatic boy "Come on Oikawa we gotta go see the queen."

He pouted the whole way to the queen's castle. When we walked in we were greeted by the royal servants they took out coats and hung them up.

Oikawa's P.O.V

The whole walk to the queens castle was quiet except for a few comments from Atsumu and me 'pouting' as he says. When we finally arrived we had our coats taken and we walked for what seem like forever until we finally made it to the throne room.

"Good morning boys." The queen spoke softly. "Good morning you highness." Me and Atsumu bowed as we greeted the queen.

"How may we assist you m'lady?" Atsumu spoke. "The grand council and I have decided to send you two to the human world."

"What!!" We both screamed. We quickly realized what we did and said "We're sorry your highness."

She nodded and continued "As I was saying the grand council and I have decided to send you two to the human world. You will be accompanied by two other boys from the other realms and some people to protect you both."

Me and Atsumu both nodded "When will we be leaving m'lady?" I ask. "You will be leaving tomorrow the realms have all pitched in and we have a house ready for the four off you."

"Ok." We both responded."Good now you may leave." Me and Atsumu stand and exit the throne room.

"So where leaving tomorrow huh." Atsumu asked. "What exactly are we supposed to do when we get there? Who are we supposed to be seeing?"

"Oikawa chill we all have a special scent we'll know who is who." I blush from embarrassment "Ooh yeah, I guess we should get packin or whatever." Atsumu nodded and we went our separate ways.

I know the recent chapters have been pretty short but when we get going they will get longer!! Thank you for sticking around and reading lovely's!! Have a nice day get plenty of water food and rest!!

I know the recent chapters have been pretty short but when we get going they will get longer!! Thank you for sticking around and reading lovely's!! Have a nice day get plenty of water food and rest!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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