Chapter Ten

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I watched as Mathew drove Quinn away. I tried chasing them but I knew I wouldn't be able to catch up.

"No" I cried

He took her. I let him take her.

"I'm out" Morgan said looking around. "I haven't been outside in 2 years"

The sun burnt my eyes from not being adjusted to it but I didn't care.

"Cmon, we have to go"

We ran through a forest for awhile until we both couldn't run anymore.

"I could've helped her, but you dragged me away" I said angrily at her

She didn't say anything.

"I could've stopped him" I said before breaking down. I leaned against a tree realizing Quinn being alone will make it so much harder for the police to find her.

We continued walking through the forest until we saw a road. It was a little dirt road but it had to lead to somewhere.

We followed that for awhile until we hit a small house in the distance.

"Morgan look" I said pointing to the house.

We both sprinted to the door. "Please help us" we both please while banging on the door. A woman, maybe in her 40s, opened the door.

"Please call the police" I said to her. "My name is Owen Daniels. I was kidnapped a couple months ago."

She guided us to her living room and we sat down on the couch.

"There are a couple of kids down here saying they were kidnapped and escaped" I heard her say in the kitchen

"Owen Daniels and Morgan Adam"

There was a long pause before she gave the operator what I assumed was the address of this place and hung up.

"They're on their way"she told us

Red and blue lights flashed through the windows and we both stood up and walked outside.

Morgan and I explained to them what happened and how we got out.

"We ran through the woods until we found the house" Morgan said to one of the officers.

I described the area of the bunker to two officers before one of them said "I think I know where that house is"

My eyes lit up with hope. Maybe there were tire tracks or something that would lead us to Quinn.

They drove us to the hospital and checked us out to see if we were hurt.

"Morgan?" Someone said behind us. We both spun around to look at the lady.

Morgan started bawling as she ran over to her. "I missed you mom" she cried into her mother's shoulder.

Morgan ate the burger the hospital gave us but I couldn't eat. The only thing on my mind was Quinn. She was alone.

"Owen" I heard my mother's voice and turned around. My mom and dad were there. I ran to them and hugged them.

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