Welcome To Society

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Welcome to society

Feel free and enjoy your stay

But be careful

People will still judge you as you walk along the way

I'm so sorry

For I have said you can be free

I was wrong

For today's society is not the society that I used to see

If you want friends

Make sure you are a high class

They won't accept you

If you're just a poor lass

In order to fit in

You must follow society's high expectations

Feeling so high for being pretty and thin?

Maintaining your image will give you a lot of frustrations 

They'll judge you

Without knowing who you really are

You can't just give opinions

Because they won't let you go that far

Welcome to society

I hope you've enjoyed your stay

Yet you can't escape

Unless you make a change and dare to say


Unspoken ( A Compilation Of Poems And Quotes)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon