"Just friends" Yoonkook part 10

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A month passed by and it was time for Jungkook to end things with Yoongi. He didn't want to, but he had to. After all, Jimin is right, he was with him longer. But what he doesn't realize is that he was in love with Yoongi much longer.

A few hours have gone by and Jungkook finally decided it was time. He walked up to Yoongi's room and sat on the bed. "Baby..we need to talk..." Yoongi sets his phone down and looks at Jungkook. "Okay..what do we need to talk about..?" Jungkook looks down as he tears up. "I hate that I have to do this but..." Yoongi tilts his head slightly as he looks at Jungkook.

Jungkook POV

"I have to..I'm so sorry Yoonie...I love you but I'm sorry...hopefully Jimin and I don't last long and I can go back to you..." I think to myself as I look at Yoonie. "I'm gonna do it now...I'm sorry...."

Author POV

"I'm sorry but I'm breaking up with you..." Jungkook said while his voice cracked. "W-what..? R-really...?" Yoongi asked as he teared up. "W-why...? Did I d-do something w-wrong..?" Jungkook looks up at Yoongi.  "Aw..baby...no..you didn't do anything wrong..."

"Then why are you breaking up with me..?!" Yoongi asked as he started to cry. Jungkook looked at Yoongi and soon, tears started rolling down his cheeks as well. "I-I'm sorry..I have to...believe me, I love you but it's for the best...hopefully one day we can get back together..."

Yoongi can't believe his ears. He can't believe that the person he loved the most, the person he had the biggest crush on, the person he actually fell in love with, he person he had his first time with was breaking up with him.

"B-but..-" Jungkook placed a finger on Yoongi's soft lips. "Shh..I'm sorry...I don't want to but it's for the best...please understand..." Yoongi was in tears. His heart was broken once again, but he knew that it's happening for a reason.

"O-okay..I understand...but...can I have one last kiss...?" Yoongi asked hesitantly as Jungkook looked at him with a soft expression. "Of course..."

Jungkook leaned closer to Yoongi's beautiful face and looked at his soft lips. They both leaned in and connected their lips. It was a slow, passionate kiss. Both has tears running down their cheeks. It might be their last kiss. Yoongi was hoping for Jimin to walk in and end things with Jungkook but he didn't.

They both kissed for a long time. They didn't want to pull away. Both were still crying but the way their lips connected and moved against each other's felt so right.

Eventually, they broke the kiss. Yoongi looked down and cried silently. "Hey, hey..please don't cry..we can't have your beautiful face get ruined, right..?" Jungkook said in a soft tone. "Come on, you have to be strong..I'm sorry for hurting you but it's for the best.." Yoongi looked up at Jungkook with sad eyes. "C-can we still h-hang out and c-cuddle...?" Yoongi asked in a soft yet sad tone. "Of course.."

A few hours have gone by and Jungkook is still holding Yoongi in his arms. Yoongi was still crying but trying his best to calm down. "Yoonie..please stop crying...I don't want you to waste your precious tears on me...please..." Yoongi sniffs and looks up at Jungkook. "B-but..it's gonna be so awkward...it's gonna hurt...it already hurts..."

"At least you're being honest with me.." Jungkook whispered as he rubbed Yoongi's back softly. "W-why would I lie to you..?"
"I don't know, Yoonie..but I'm glad you're not." Both of them look at each other and smile softly. "Kook.." Yoongi said as he snuggled into Jungkook's chest. "Yes, Yoonie?" Jungkook replied while he held Yoongi close. "My eyes hurt..do you mind if I fall asleep in your arms..?" Jungkook shook his head. "Of course I don't mind..sleep Yoonie, you're probably tired of crying..."

And just like that, Yoongi fell asleep. His soft snores filled the room. Not soon after Jungkook fell asleep holding Yoongi.

A/n: hewo!~ I'm sorry again for not updating in a while..I've been busy with school, karate, and roleplay and it's kinda a lot to handle. I'm sorry for making them break up but I've had this idea for a while and for some reason my fan fiction demon decided to remind me while I was in karate. I fought with my demon for a few days and finally decided to make this part. I hope you liked it! I kinda wanted to cry while writing this– I also wrote this at 1-3 am so if there's any mistakes, I'm sorry. Anygays, bye bye!

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