Part 2

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Later on in the evening, Oikawa got home and is just laying on his bed. 

Oikawa: Hmm, I don't feel like doing anything. Why do I have this disease? Why me? I have no one to tell either. I could tell Iwa-chan, but he wouldn't care, and I don't have any close friends to tell. 

Oikawa let his mind wonder and fell asleep. That night he had a dream of him confessing to Iwaizumi and getting rejected. Because of this he woke up crying thinking it was true and scared he might die. Of course though it was all but a dream and he soon came to realise that. The rest of the night he couldn't sleep, afraid he'd have the same dream. 

Oikawa: Ughh, I have to get ready or else I'll be late again. I don't feel like going school today though. Haah I have to go regardless or else Mattsun will be angry again. My head hurts and I barely got any sleep today. I look like shit. Ugh.

| At school |

Iwaizumi: *Thinking* He look terrible. He's got eye-bags and looks like he's been crying. I wonder if something happened. Maybe I should ask him. *Talking* Oi, what's wrong?

Oikawa: Huh? What do you mean?

Iwaizumi: Well you look terrible and it looks like you've been crying.

Oikawa: O-oh I-i'm fine...

Iwaizumi: Why are you lying? You're eyes are swollen and red.

Oikawa: ...Why are you asking? Did Mattsun tell you to ask me? I'm fine so just go.

Iwaizumi: What? No, i'm asking because i'm worried. Oikawa I've known you since we were little kids, I think I'd know if you're fine or not.

Oikawa: J-just leave me alone. I don't need your sympathy or your concern. 

Iwaizumi: What? Listen, just tell me if somethings wrong-

Oikawa: I SAID I'M FINE!

Oikawa rushes out trying to hold back his tears but it was no use, he burst out crying and collapsed on the bathroom floor. He started coughing out petals and blood. He couldn't stop and eventually passed out. 

| At the hospital |

Oikawa opened his eyes slowly, confused about where he was. As his eyes adjusted to his surroundings he soon realised he was in the hospital. 

Oikawa: Huh, why am I in the hospital?

He remembered what had happened. The nurse walked in.

Nurse: Oh, you're up. Let me go get the doctor.

Doc: I see you're finally awake. You've been unconscious for 4 days already.

Oikawa: What, 4 days?

Doc: Yes, a student found you unconscious on the floor and called for an ambulance.

Oikawa: I see. Has anyone come to see me?

Doc: Yes, your family.

Oikawa: That's it?

Doc: Yes, Sir. Is there a problem? 

Oikawa: No...

Doc: Well I'll be going now. Your condition is stable now, so you'll be discharged shortly. Also please let me know as soon as possible whether you decide for a surgery or not.

Oikawa: ...Iwaizumi didn't even come check on me while i was in hospital. So much for "Worrying about me". You liar...

Oikawa broke down crying again. His heart felt tight. He cried and cried until no more tears would form.

Oikawa: I give up. I'm so tired of this. I'm tired of this unrequited love, I'm tired of this stupid disease, I'm tired of living. It's so exhausting. If all i'm going to feel is pain I'd rather get the surgery... 

To be continued...

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