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A/N: It's been awhile. I hope you enjoy it. =)

They arrived to the airport and drove home. Wanda and Granny was at the steps waiting for them at the entrance. The car came to a halt and Steve opened the door for her. She smiled at him and got out. Wanda came hugging her tightly.

Wanda: "You are glowing you know that" she whispers jokingly. Natasha blushes.

Natasha: "Stop it. It was a good break from work I feel refreshed" she whispers back. Granny came and hugged her as well.

Granny: "You two definitely looked refreshed. I told you it was much needed" she smiles.

Steve: "Definitely, Thank you. Come on Nat we have to unpack" as he stood beside Natasha throwing his arm over her shoulder and Natasha squinting her eyes him. Wanda secretly took a picture and giggled.

Wanda: "Well, big brother you go ahead grab the bags as Natasha and I have some time to talk" as she pulls her away and he frowns. Granny and Steve started chatting away. As soon as they were far enough into the house in the room. "Soooooooo tell me what happened?! Spill all the beans!!" she said excitedly.

Natasha: "We met your cousins and his wife Jane and I met her friend Darcy. You're gonna love her" she smiles.

Wanda: "Ah Thor. He is married?" Natasha nods. "That is good. What about you and big brother?" she smirks.

Natasha: "We explored the town, went to dinner and I went to a flower field. We went to Thor's house. I went to Dublin for a girls trip, James was there on a business trip. I didn't tell him I was there with your brother.." she sighs. "Wanda, he is acting more caring towards me and I find it questionable all because.." she blushes.

Wanda: "You're blushing you two had sex didn't you" she smirks. Natasha was silent. Wanda squeals. "OMG does this mean I am gonna be an auntie soon!? I have to prepare for your baby shower! Oh god a niece would awesome. We'd get to play house and shopping!! but then again a nephew would be adorable as well" she spokes so fast.

Natasha: "Wanda... it's too soon. Besides I'm on the pill" she shakes her head and Wanda pauses and stays silent. "What's on your mind?" Wanda shakes her head.

Wanda: "Ah well, I will let you rest because I know you may have jet lag, oh and don't forget cover that hickey on your neck for your next photo shoot" she smirks and winks as she leaves the room. Natasha turns to the mirror and sees a dark purple bruise on her neck and sighs. Her phone rings and the caller id read James as she answers it.

Natasha: "hello?" she answers.

James: "Nat, I'm glad you're back. Let's have dinner tonight" he says happily.

Natasha: "Um, I'm still a bit jet lag James" as he sighs over the phone.

James: "Okay than how about tomorrow lunch?" he offers as Steve silently walks into the room, her back facing him.

Natasha: "Yeah, we can do that" she agrees.

James: "Okay cool, can't wait to see you" he says happily. "Oh before I go I let you go..." Steve puts his arms around her waist and tucked his chin in her neck.

Natasha: "Steve... I am on the phone" she whispers as she tries to get out of his grasp to no avail and she just sighs and ignores him.

James: "Uh, are you busy? Am I interrupting anything?" he asks.

Natasha: "Nope" she quickly responds as Steve took her phone and saw the screen name and frowned. Natasha snatched it back. "James, ever since I landed work has been keeping me busy, I've got to go. See you tomorrow bye" as she hangs up and turns to Steve who was playing with her necklace stand.

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