chapter 2

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Steadying myself on my father's arm, I firmly held my hat to my head to prevent it from flying off due to the force of the wind on either side of the train as it rolled in. The conductor leaning out grinned at me with a toothy smile and doffed his hat to my father, I went to smile back but checked myself before I did so, remembering my governess' words of not associating with those I have not been introduced too. Instead I turned to my father and said to him excitedly,

 "oh father look at that train, I shall have to write to William about it and he can put it in his journal!"

William was my best friend and had lived next to me in London since I moved there at the age of two, we had always been close despite our differences and his family had been very kind to me after the loss of my mother. Will (as I called him when not in the presence of my no-nonsense father) was a year older than me and, like me, was going off to boarding school, though his was in oxford whereas my finishing school was deep in the countryside. He had gifted me the newly created ballpoint pen that I always had tucked firmly into the pocket of my coat for my sixteenth birthday and I treasured it with my life.I subconsciously patted the front pocket of my suitcase, checking that my photo of the two of us was still there. It had been taken last year and showed the two of us on Christmas eve. We were wearing our best clothes and laughing whilst I attempted to teach Will to dance. I didn't even need to look at the photo to see it, I had it memorized and could remember every intricate detail and the mayhem around the photo; William had fallen over soon after it was taken and we had settled down to play a family game of monopoly which had also ended in disaster and a hilariously over-exaggerated argument.I was jerked back to reality, chuckling, after my father coughed loudly and opened the door of the train for me. Once we had found an empty compartment and settled down, my father took out his newspaper once more and handed me my book, ballet shoes. I had got it as a leaving present the day before from my governess and I was already halfway through.

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An hour had passed and, looking out of the window, my face bumped again the glass. I was bored. I had finished my book and lunch wasn't for another half hour. I stopped my daydreaming and focused on the world rushing by outside the window. we were definitely out of the city by now and the autumnal reds and browns of the trees were flashing by and the grey of the London sky becoming a light, bright blue. this was it, the countryside.After an hour and a half, we pulled up at the station and made our way over to the taxi rank to transport us to the school.


I know this isnt very good but I felt like I should update. This is the first book I've ever written so any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated :-)


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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