Chapter 1

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Hey guys! Hope you enjoy the story!


I picked up the cleaning cloth and started wiping the counter that we used to prepare the food for the trainees. I've been working here since I was little with my mom but due to her old age, she resigned.

Another day full of stress and panic.

The trainees this year were more than the average number of students every year. And by working in kitchen duty, it felt like hell, every single day.

But boy, was I glad to have had a few friends because I lost contact with the ones I had a few years back.

While wiping the counters, I heard the main door of the kitchen, that was attached to the dining, open and with just a few laughter heard, I knew who they were.

Eren, Mikasa, and Armin.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Eren greeted before sitting at one of the two chairs in the whole kitchen.

I actually work here with someone, her name is Alexa, but she left early because she finished her part of the daily responsibilities, which are to clean the things we used in cooking and wash the dishes. The only thing I have to do is to wipe the counters, wash the 2nd batch of dishes since some trainees eat dinner later than the others and wipe the tables on the dining hall.

"Hey, Eren, Mikasa, Armin." I greeted back, my eyes not leaving the counter since I'm so focused to finish my task early.

"Another stressful day, huh?" Armin asked, leaning into the counter I was cleaning.

I sighed and let go of the cloth in my hand. "Yeah, but it's okay. I get to have my day off tomorrow, and I'll go visit my family back at my hometown."

"That's great then." Eren said. "But we'll miss you though. I'm sure the food's gonna be bland tomorrow." He chuckled along with Armin and Mikasa, I did too.

"We're sorry for eating dinner late at night, (Y/N). It's just we were given a few hours of extra training and--" Armin apologized and looked down.

I chuckled at how adorable he is. So kind and innocent Armin.

"It's okay, Armin. It's my job to do this. Without it, I won't get to feed my family." I explained.

I remembered my family back at home. My mom, dad, and my little brother, Leon.

Well, I'm happy since I'd get to see them tomorrow.

"You really miss them, huh?" Eren asked, without leaving his eyes on me.

I smiled. "Yeah." I said. "Anyways, you guys should call it a night. I know you all are also tired of training."

Eren stood up from the chair and Armin leaned back away from the counter.

"And don't forget-" I said, only to be cut off by these three.

"If ever you guys would feel hungry, I'll be here." They continued synchronously before laughing.

"Only until tomorrow morning though." I said before saying goodbye to them and returned to wiping the counters.

"Be safe tomorrow, (Y/N)." Mikasa added while holding the door.

"Yeah. Make sure to come back." Armin added.

"We're gonna miss you." Eren said.

"I'm gonna miss you guys, too. But I'll be back the day after, it's not like I'm going on an expedition." I said and chuckled.

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