Chapter 2

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The next day...

I woke up with my head aching as hell. This always happens if I lack sleep. I opened my eyes and looked at the windows.

Oh shit, sun's almost rising. I have to go home.

I quickly stood up with a smile on my face, not minding my aching head right now since I knew I'm going home today.

I changed into a more comfortable outfit for travelling and brushed my hair.

I'm just gonna take a shower at home.

I took a last look in the mirror and smiled, I've been waiting for this day for so long.

But my smile disappeared when I heard knocking on the kitchen back door.

I quickly went inside the kitchen and headed straight to the door before opening it, and in front of me was the Commandant Keith Sadies.

"Good morning, Ms. (L/N)." He said. "I'm glad I caught you before you could leave."

"Is there something wrong, sir?" I asked him, hoping for the message to be a positive one.

"I apologize for the urgent matter but Commander Erwin Smith from the Survey Corps would like you to transfer working into their Headquarters kitchen since one of their staff went missing yesterday. Effective immediately. " He said. "Your responsibilities here will be passed onto another staff that we'll be hiring."

I was speechless. So, I can't go home?

"I also apologize for cancelling your day off that was effective today but they need you to do your duty there from now onwards." He added. "You need to be there in an hour. Don't be late, Ms. (L/N)."

I looked at the mountains right behind the Commandant and sighed.

I should've left sooner.

I nodded at him. "Yes, sir." I then went back to get my bags and started packing my clothes.

The commandant left without saying another word and continued with his morning. A knock on the door was heard again and I saw who it was. Alexa.

"Hey, did you quit? Why are you packing?" She asks.

"Oh, no. Sir Sadies said that Commander Erwin asked me to transfer to the Survey Corps Headquarters kitchen, effective immediately." I replied, still packing my clothes. "He said their staff went missing yesterday."

"Ohhh that's scary. Maybe because they were killed by someone from the Scouts. You know they can be very dangerous." She replied. "Maybe there's something you can do to cancel this. I don't trust them."

"I'm sure they're fine, Alexa." I said and smiled, zipping my bags closed. "Are you just saying all this because you'll miss me?"

She frowned. "You see right through me." She said and gave me a hug.

Alexa was like a big sister to me. And I'm sad that I won't get to see her again.

"You take care, okay?" She said while patting my back gently. "Promise, I'll join you there. Just wait for me."

"It's fine, Alexa. If you'll transfer there, you'd be far away from your family." I said and broke the hug.

I sighed and picked up my bags. "Well, I better go. The Survey Corps is waiting for me."

I wonder if the kitchen is much much more chaotic there.

I went outside the kitchen and breathed in the fresh air.

Well, at least I could be in a different environment.

I started heading towards my horse and laid my bags on her. Just as I was going to climb up, I heard someone calling my name.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" The person said, panting. "Behind you!"

Sounds like Eren.

I looked behind to see who it was and there were Eren, Mikasa and Armin, running as fast as they can to reach me in time.

They stopped right in front me and smiled.

"Be safe and take care, (Y/N)." Eren said.

"So, I guess you heard, huh?" I asked, feeling sad that I won't get to see them again tomorrow.

"Heard what?" Eren asked.

"It was you who told us you'll be leaving to visit your family." Mikasa added, with a confused look.

"Wait, I think I know." Armin said. "You're being transferred, aren't you?"

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I am. Effective immediately." I said.

"Really? Where?" Eren asked. "Is it the Survey Corps HQ?"

I nodded and he smiled.

"See! I told you we could see each other again after graduation!" Eren exclaimed, feeling super happy.

"Since when have you ever told her that?" Mikasa asked.

"Since yesterday." Eren replied.

Mikasa and Armin held a confused look.

"Anyways, I guess I'll see you guys after you graduate but that would be after a few months." I said to change the topic. "I'm gonna miss you guys."

"That's okay, (Y/N)." Mikasa replied. "Just wait for us there. We promise, we'll be seeing each other again."

I smiled. "Thank you Mikasa." I said and gave her a hug.

"Group hug." Eren said and joined us with Armin.

"Cadets! What the hell are you doing there?" One of the teachers said.

We quickly broke off the hug and said our goodbyes before they went back to the group of trainees, waiting to start the day training.

I sighed and smiled. This is gonna be a great opportunity for me.

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