Chapter 4

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A long bath and not enough sleep later, I'm back at work. I'm considering last night's offer and munching on some granola and yogurt at a cafeteria table when one of the doctors approaches me. Peds, I'd guess, looking at the scrub cap covered in little toy ducks poking out of his scrub top pocket. He slumps into the chair across from me. He looks tired, too. Even though I'm not that interested in being a pediatric nurse, I flash him a smile anyway. I need as many friends in this program as I can make for when I have to start applying for more jobs again soon. He smiles back.

"Hi, Claire." I blink. Have we met? He smiles warmly, as if sensing my confusion. "My name is Dr. Davidson. We haven't met, but we have some mutual friends. Like the ones who unsurreptitiously disappeared from your service last night." My cheeks warm. Did he think I had something to do with that? And how did he know about that? He must have connections to - wait, if he was connected to those boys, that must mean he was a part of their pack. Understanding must have lit behind my eyes, because the doctor nodded. "One of these friends wanted to let you know that you can get into contact with me anytime during the rest of your internship if you change your mind about his offer. There are more of us, as well. Look out for them today. Have a good day, Claire." And with that, he was up and away with nothing more than a nod in my direction. I sat there, yogurt forgotten, contemplating. If he had doctors in my program in his pack, who else could there be? How many were out there?

It didn't take me long to figure out - as the day went on, I noticed a few different people, some I'd never seen before and some I'd been working with since my first day here, give me a subtle nod when they saw me. Delilah at the nurse's station gives me a nod coupled with a wicked smile, and I realize she knew the whole time what had happened last night and most likely had herself stationed there on purpose. I nod back. One of the nurses working with me and an x-ray tech also greet me with a nod and a "Hey, Claire," despite the fact I am certain I've never talked to either. It's almost unnerving, and when the chief of surgery herself nods and says hello, I decide I'm eating lunch in my car so I don't have to see anyone else.

I get by for another week until one of the program leaders starts talking to us about plans for after the program is over and getting references from those we've worked with here. I've put feelers out, but most of the places I've applied that are interested already are in small towns far from here. I know I don't want to go back home for good after all that happened, but I'd still like to stay close to my family or have the flexibility to visit by taking positions near here like traveling nurses would. None of it really feels like what I want to do with the rest of my life.

That night as I'm leaving, I see Dr. Davidson walking past. As he approaches, I stop him and ask him to speak to our mutual friend for me. I start to feel like I'm in some sort of spy movie with all the weird covertness. Later that night, my phone rings. When I pick it up, it's him on the other end of the line. The Alpha. It occurs to me that I never learned his name.

"I'm outside."

"You're - what?"


"I heard what you said, I'm just surprised. This has all been kind of James Bond-y. So secretive and whatnot." A laugh.

"Come outside." I hang up. Five minutes later, I'm downstairs and searching the line of cars for a familiar face when he pulls up right in front of me in a black truck. I scowl, and the click of the doors unlocking sounds through the mostly empty lot. I climb in and his mouth opens but I interrupt him.

"What's your name?" He laughs. I scowl at him again.

"I was gonna do the whole 'Bond - James Bond' bit," he pouts. I glare at him.

"First of all, that is so overused-"

"It's a classic!"

"Okay... whatever you say," I laugh, rolling my eyes. He flashes me a smile and fixes his eyes back on the road. A few minutes later, it occurs to me that my first question never got an answer. "What's your name?" I repeat.

"It's Ryan."

"Ryan," I say, trying the sound out on my tongue, "Why are you doing all this stuff for me?"

"Well, our pack is pretty lenient on taking in rogues that have been in situations out of their control. My mom helped to start a farm that employs members of our pack. We sell our crops to get money for the pack. From there, we started our own farmer's market where we sell the produce, as well as anything people in the pack want to pitch in for sale and use the money we earn for things like scholarships and for our foster families to help provide for those we have struggling. We always need more hands and we always take those in need, whether they can or will help or not. We have enough to give, so we do. We're lucky." I don't want to be impressed, but I am. Our previous Alpha probably never even considered starting any programs to help the many people in our pack who were struggling financially. In truth, I've heard he spends most of his time drinking like there's no tomorrow. I wonder what it would've been like to have those kinds of programs. Our pack was smaller, but maybe I could've afforded to get through my CNA program without also working nights. Maybe this is a good thing, being here. Maybe I could do something good here too, find the place I've been searching for.

"We're here."

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