Author's Note

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Sorry to hold up your reading party, but I've got a few semi-important authors notes ahead. You can ~probably~ skip them but it might be confusing if you do, because my version of mates and some other things aren't the typical stereotypes in the Werewolf genre.

Important info: In this story, in an attempt to include LGBTQ+ and my own preference led to me changing the way "typical" mating works. There are no wolves in the sense that a person and a wolf (aka two separate personalities) reside in the same body. Wolves are just the animal version of their human form. These werewolves do, however, have "wolf instincts" which provide enhanced senses and helps them find their mate. Mates are also different from their usual portrayal. There are no tingles or eyes going black, etc. Your wolf instincts simply help you to recognize your mate and you feel drawn to that person. Mates are just people you're automatically comfortable with, who you feel like you can trust, and who feel like you've known them for years. Mates can also be a different gender, you can have more than one (polysexuals exist!) or they can be nonsexual/platonic for asexuals and aromantics (Also meaning a mate bond does not have to be consummated). And there are also other magical beings/creatures but I don't really plan to focus on them. There are also interracial mates, human or other magical beings/creatures with werewolf mates, and female alphas/betas/gammas (Had to include even though it's basic because these are so rare).

Comments & Criticisms: If you disapprove of this type of mate/werewolf or really any element of the story or plot, then simply don't read it. Remove it from your library. I'm not going to tolerate hateful comments, especially to LGBTQ+, and you will be blocked. However, questions, constructive criticism, well-intentioned jokes and commentary are always welcome on my page, story, and in my inbox. Although this isn't the first thing I've ever written, I don't have a ton of experience writing and am always learning and growing in it, and as such my work will likely contain many mistakes. I plan to edit before I post each chapter and I always research the things I talk about as well as I can to make this story as accurate as possible, but in the event that I miss any grammar mistakes or plot holes, etc, then please contact me through PM or comment to address these issues so I can fix them. Also, as I am somewhat mediocre at designing covers, anyone with any skill at cover design who loves this story feel free to please design me a new one and send it to me! It will be greatly appreciated! (Though there is no guarantee I will make it the new cover, all submissions should get a feature in the book!)

Updates: I haven't decided on an update schedule but when I do I will probably note it in one of the chapters, although I probably won't leave notes very much because I don't like to read them in other stories when all I really want is more of my OTP, but know that my comments and PMs are open for criticism, review, and anything else your little reader heart desires at all times! Sorry for delaying your reading with all these annoying notes, read away!

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