Chapter 1

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Ayano Aishi woke up as her alarm clock started beeping loudly. "Ugh, 6:00 AM already? Whatever, I'll get dressed."

It was time for her first day at Akademi High School, a prestigious academy where all the top students in Japan went and got a suitable education. Ayano knew her mother had went there during the 1980's. She got up and slipped on a white button-up shirt, black skirt and a black blazer. She shoved her tie on and put her tights up, then put her black shoes on. (A/N: The original uniform was too revealing and oversexualised, so I changed it) 

Ayano's parents had left on a cruise. Her mother, Ryoba had promised she would tell Ayano the truth about her high school years when they got back. Ayano didn't think much of it; she knew her mother was a kind, gentle person who would never hurt a soul.

After eating her toast, Ayano knew it was time for school. She opened her door and walked to the bus stop. She was very nervous and shy, as she had never had real friends before and was scared that at a prestigious school, she would get bullied. To keep her mind off everything, she scrolled through the Internet. She felt a small pat on the shoulder.

Ayano-chan looked up. In front of her eyes was a tall, black haired, tanned boy who she had never seen before. Even though it was early, Ayano-chan knew he was the one. The one she wanted to run away to fairyland with.

"I'm Taro Yamada, a 3rd-year student. I've never seen you before. Are you new?" the boy said.

"Y-yes. I'm Ayano Aishi, a 2nd-year student." Ayano-chan said. She felt a bit flustered and could feel her face slightly turning red. She stared into his eyes, however this lasted for only a few seconds when...

"Taro-kun! Taro-kun, there you are!" a mysterious orange haired girl shouted .

"Osana! What's with the...angry attitude?" Taro seemed confused.

"Are you stupid?! I couldn't find you anywhere! How are we supposed to walk together if you're not even gonna wait for me? piss me off!"

Ayano-chan felt herself feel sad, knowing how this strange Osana girl was treating him. Ayano had always felt sad knowing somebody she loves was being treated badly. After a few minutes of Ayano hearing Taro and Osana bickering about stupid things that meant nothing to her, the bus finally came, and the students went on. 

After a good 30 minutes, the bus finally stopped outside of this very big building. To Ayano, it was a palace. There was a sign that loudly stated, "Akademi High School". The tall gate was open as wide as it could, Ayano could see lots of students walking through. Most of those students were in groups, which made Ayano feel bad as she was the only one alone. She had been told to go to the guidance counselor's office, where she would learn where her locker and classroom is, and meet her student ambassadors who would show her around. Ayano couldn't find the counselor's office though, so she spent time wandering around.

Ayano-chan had been wandering around for at least 10 minutes now, when she felt a tap by the shoulder. She turned around and saw a strange girl with red hair and glasses. She recognised the girl from the bus stop. 

"Hey you," she said coldly. "I saw you at the bus stop earlier this morning. Wasn't your name Aishi-chan or something like that?"

"Ayano. Ayano Aishi." Ayano-chan corrected her.

"Whatever your name is, it was pretty obvious you had a little crush on that Taro dude. He's gorgeous, honestly but he's a bit...dense. Like, so many girls like him, and he just doesn't get the hint. That girl at the bus stop, her name is Osana Najimi. She's Taro's childhood friend, they knew each other since they were 5 as they lived next door to each other and went to the same school. Over time, she developed a crush on him, but she didn't want him to know, so she called him all these rude things. And if this doesn't stop, his self esteem might be crushed."

"Oh my, that's awful!"

"I know. She's not a very nice person either, as she is very cold and cruel to anyone except her best friend, Raibaru Fumetsu, who she knew since she was 12. Osana is one of the mean and popular girls here, and the only reason most girls here like Taro is because he's Osana's friend. I've had drama with Osana before, so I want you to hurt her. Kill her, even. Because she is slowly ruining your one and true love's life. Oh, and nowadays most people don't know who I am, so they call me Info-chan. I run the gossip at this school. I spread rumours and all sorts of dark, dirty secrets. If you'd like, I'd help you with eliminating Osana and any girls who will hurt Taro, but only if you tell me people's dark secrets. Selling them is what I make money off of."

Ayano-chan had never thought of herself as a murderer, but at the same time she couldn't stand to see Taro upset. Plus, Osana sounded like a dumb brat who got in the way, so Ayano wouldn't think negatively of possibly killing her. 

"I'll do it." Ayano decided. Info-chan smiled.

"Well, you're new, so it's best you go see that stupid guidance counselor or whatever." Info-chan said. "Bye Ayano, working with you should be a pleasant experience."

And with that, Info-chan walked to her classroom. Ayano walked to another corridor where she saw an office with a sign that said "Guidance Counselor". Ayano walked towards it, not realising what she was getting herself into.

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