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One of the most important meetings of the week was commencing and the large gathering of all ranking marine department leaders and other higher ups on site took place in one of the many meeting halls. And with the Fleet Admiral Sengoku sat at the head of an extremely and unnecessarily large table surrounded by his fellow admirals and the like, the many speeches and dragging hours began.

Over near the middle on the left side sat (y/n)'s department leader, the vice admiral, with the poor woman struggling to keep herself awake while being stood behind him - a stack of blueprints that she and her fellow colleagues had finished in her arms. But being the second-in-command in the department meant she had to be dragged out to the boring gathering.

"Thank you... and I assume you have the blueprints for the weaponry needed?" Sengoku turned his gaze over to the vice admiral who nodded, his hands interlaced on the table.

"Yes, sir. We managed to finish last night," He turned around to face the sleepy subordinate, elbowing her in the side to which she shot awake, rushing around the massively extensive table to where the fleet admiral was; bowing as she handed him the cobalt-blue stack and returning to her position to stand yet didn't Sengoku raised his eyebrow at her "Lieutenant (y/n) here managed to get the last of the work done before-"

Confusedly glancing at the fleet admiral, the vice watched as the older man's eyes stayed perusing
(y/n) as she rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand - her department superior now sweatdropping with embarrassment at how she was acting in front of the higher ups. But to everyone's surprise, someone else from Sengoku's left began to speak.

"Lieutenant (y/n), correct?" Kicking her out of her mind, (y/n) snapped back into reality as a tall and broad man with a marine cap and a red blazer on called to her. It was Admiral Akainu.

"Y-yes, sir!" Scrambling into a messy salute, (y/n) looked over to the intimidating man to see that he was lightly flicking through the sheets that had been passed from Sengoku to him. He stopped and pulled out a loose paper and spread it before him, his wandering eyes scanning the print and moving back to the woman.

"And you did these?" His question sounded obvious considering that they had just had this conversation before, but it seemed more like he needed it confirmed. Scratching the side of her face with and awkward grin, (y/n) chuckled lightly.

"Yes, sir. By hand last night, sir." The room became slightly tense on her side as she watched Akainu lean over to Sengoku and mutter something inaudible to her side of the room. And sat in front of her, her superior clenched his teeth, worried over what had gone wrong. Was it written wrong? Did she miss out the labels? Was there damned pie grease on it? Watching as the men turned back to the two, Sengoku looked towards the vice admiral.

"I have to say, I haven't seen a more disorganised Lieutenant in my life. But," (y/n)'s head tilted to the side, confused as to where this conversation from the Fleet admiral was going "I think it's a wise idea to move (y/n) here to a more frontal position, as I must say, these blueprints are of exceptional quality."

'Bingo! I'll get a promotion and it will be closer to what I need!'

The vice admiral who had always been her superior since her very first enlistment was in shock; his mouth hanging open. But just as the meeting began to beetle on, he called out, cutting the fleet admiral's sentence in half.

"Sir, if I'm to be honest with you, I don't think that Lieutenant can handle anything more than she is doing already-"

"And you have decided that for her, vice admiral?" Sengoku definitely got his tongue as the man shut up within seconds at his question. But with a frown, the man crossed his arms.

"It's not that I think she can't handle it, but more of that I don't think she would work under anyone else as well. I am the only person who has ever commanded her." Causing the woman to look down with a confused look, the man tried to stand his point to which Sengoku stared him down.

"Don't worry, she'll be moved under an admiral. It's crucial we keep the best workers in our main force."

"Wait, aren't you at least coming with me?" With a disheartened frown on her face, the teenager held her bag over her shoulder as she looked at one of her siblings, yet not the one who had sent her out.

"We can't, (y/n). We can't go as far as the edge of our territory or the marines will know. Just, all you need to worry about is getting on a ship and getting yourself as high a rank as possible so we can have the best outcome, alright?" An extremely tall woman with white hair placed a hand on (y/n)'s shoulders, comforting her the best she could.

"I assume that's the last of it?"

It was the next day and the vice admiral was helping (y/n) relocate her scarce amount of belongings into her new office which was completely empty other than a new desk. Even if it was a shoebox size, the girl was still grateful that she would be able to work in peace - maybe even sleep comfortably in her own space.

"Yes, sir." He nodded curtly and turned towards the door, catching the handle to go.

"Sir," (Y/n)'s voice came out as an uneasy slip, her mind not controlling her words as the older man turned around, humming at her and pivoting on his heels "thank you for looking out for me these past ten years... I don't know how I can thank you."

Rather shocked at her sincere words, the man just gave a small smile, turning back to the door and twisting of open.

"Anytime, Lieutenant." And as she watched his coat disappear around the corner, the door closed: confirming that it was indeed her own office and that she was now alone.

A few boxes lay scattered about as the new owner of the room rushed about to pin various wanted posters and blueprints to the sides of her walls; preparing for the work she was to be set to do. It even made her pretty proud to see that there was a plaque with her name etched on it attached to the door's front on the hallway so anyone knew who the office belonged to. But as much as she would have liked to do completely independent work, she still had an admiral to call superior. She was instructed by Sengoku that the day after the meeting she should make time in her day to go and speak to her her supervisor, who she didn't even know the name of as he never told her. "Best to experience in good time", as he put it rather wisely.

So when the boxes emptied and had been messily pushed underneath the desk next to where a small trash can was stationed, (y/n) decided that it was about time she left to go see this mysterious admiral. There were three - so it wouldn't take a genius to work out it would be one of them. Akainu, Kizaru or Aokiji. However, only having spoken to Akainu for a second during the previous day's meetings and never to the other two, it was hard to figure out what kind of people they were, but she knew they were strong. From the small cluster of information she had gathered from her outside sources, they seemed to be quite intellectually knowledgeable, which would be obvious considering their positions. So that meant no slip ups could be made on her behalf... for reasons be.

Taking a left outside of her new office, (y/n) followed the line of large corridors down to where she had been told to go once she was ready to speak with her new boss. Each wall was plain in the hallway, nothing differed from her previous department section as the whole base looked like this from the corridors. No one was around so it seemed most people were already up and doing work, well until she rounded a corner and came face to face with a lower-marine who just politely saluted her and carried on round the bend. But as she carried on following the directions, the door came into sight: the name who she would come to know on the plaque. Aokiji.



(Y/n): please I beg you don't make me handle anything more than I can take please I'm so busy

Sengoku: promotion go brrr

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