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The day continued on slowly as the time of evening where the evitable promotion ceremony and after party were rolling closer, much to (y/n)'s dismay - considering the sheer amount of work she had already been set. And since she was one of the people who would be featured due to her (sudden) promotion given by Sengoku and Akainu after seeing the blueprints for the weapons she had designed, she needed to be ready fairly quickly.

Just as she placed down her pen and wiped the sweat from her forehead, (y/n) quickly pulled out a mirror from under her desk and stood it on the table - brushing through her hair.

'I just know I have some make up or something some where...'

She needn't worry about her clothing as her white double-breasted blazer and orange skirt were already formal enough, and that also she would be receiving a coat like the rest of the high-ups during said ceremony. When her hair had been sorted and she was ready, she rushed out and down to the halls below.

'A promotion... I did it, nii-san. I can be of further help.'

Shaking her out of her thoughts was a loud voice which projected through a den den mushi speaker set, calling out different rank categories. The room was massive and decorated with a celebrations banner of the navy's 'justice' calligraphy and different round tables were scattered around the room with each an amount of people sat at it.

"Thank you. Next for the augmentation of ranks is the vice admirals."

Around (y/n)'s table sat a few of her old colleagues, like her old supervisor who nudged her arm and had a huge smile on his face.

"That's you!" He half whisper shouted with a chuckle to which the (h/c) woman just awkwardly curved her lips up into a grin. With butterflies in her stomach, (y/n) waited anxiously until her name was called. Being the only one without a registered surname, she was far down at the bottom of the list. The room burst into applause each time someone would step on the raised stage and bow, taking their medal of honour and coat that fit with it. And just as that last clap calmed down, it came her time.

"And finally for the vice admiral rank, now former Lieutenant (y/n) from the Weaponry and Defense department!" Standing up abruptly, her ears filled with the sound of clapping and cheers as she walked shyly to the stage and made her way to the middle - a small smile on the announcers face. The jolly man gripped her hand and shook it, turning to the side and handing her the medal and coat to which she gratefully bowed to, and wondered back off to sit at her table.

After a few more people were called, albeit not many people, the drinks started flowing and the after party began. Although the admirals and fleet admiral had attended the ceremony, none of them could be seen still in the room. Which in a way was good as the remaining forces were chatting and laughing like old friends, no formalities and no awkwardness. Except from the new vice admiral who was seated over at a table alone, a small glass of red wine in front of her which she played with. She just watched from afar as the event caused people to socialise, stood in groups with various drinks in their hands as they went. (Y/n) new coat was rested on her shoulders and her legs swung over one another, her cheek in her hand.

"Vice admiral!" It was unusual for subordinates to be so informal as they spoke to higher-ups, but when the bored woman looked over to the side she saw a marine soldier with a drinks tray in his hand. Smiling at him warmly, (y/n) gave him a small wave as he came over to her.

"Would you like another drink? Not feeling the wine?" His joking manner would have gotten his arm chopped off if it was anyone but her. And clearly he noticed her uninterested behaviour towards the beverage.

"I'm not really a wine person... I just got handed a glass." Scratching her cheeks stiffly, the man smile down on her to keep the conversation.

"Well... I have some rum, whiskey, beer, saké. let's see here..." as he looked at his tray ticking off all the different alcoholic beverages mentally when (y/n) cut in.

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