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"So you lied to me?"

"Look I did it to protect you."

(Y/n) slammed her hands onto Aokiji's desk, her eyes burning with betrayal and anger.

"Sakazuki is one-hundred percent going to find out about who I am because you told a lie to him and I told him something different! We could lose our jobs!" (Y/n) raged at the man as he looked at her with a frown, his hands behind his head as he was too calm.

"(Y/n), I did it because I care and I'm sorry it didn't work." The woman paced up and down in front of him as she stopped and glared.

"You don't care."

"I do." His words left a small dent in her anger but nonetheless, (y/n) held a hand to her chest. Aokiji stood up quickly and made his way towards her, placing a hand onto her shoulder.

"(y/n), I really do. I know you're a pirate and I shouldn't be protecting you, but I do."

Even if he was being genuine, she didn't want to believe him. The thought of spending the rest of her already fucked up life in impel down was not an enticing one. Aokiji pulled her into his chest as she tried to get out from his grip, placing her hand on his toned chest, feeling it through his work clothes.

"I kissed you for a reason."

(Y/n)'s eyes travelled up to his when suddenly she felt him lean down. Aokiji had placed his soft lips onto hers and in her surprise, she had reacted by tangling her dainty ink-stained hands into his perfect hair. Her body moved on its own as he brought her closer to his toned chest: so not even an atom could pass between them. Their lips moved together like they were sculpted by the same creator to fit as one. As he parted and she let out a large breath, he chuckled in that damned silky-smooth voice.

"I didn't choose to be stuck with a pirate of a Vice Admiral, but here we are."

(Y/n)'s eyes slid up so her look was shared with Aokiji. She only saw a smile on his face as his thumb rubbed over her hip tenderly.

"You... didn't forget?" Suddenly he laughed, his chest shaking under her touch as (y/n) went red.

"How could I? I did it for a reason, (y/n)," the woman's blush went deeper, "I'm a fool."


(Y/n) could smell cinnamon, the same scent which his hair smelt like. The warm scent that made her relax even if she didn't know it. It was then so prominent as he leaned down, just like that night.

"I'm an idiot for falling in love with a pirate."

"You are."

Aokiji was unexpecting of the answer as (y/n) had scrunched her hands into his shirt, closing her eyes.

"In my world, love doesn't exist. The only time I can be close to someone is when I'm married off to some damned person I don't even know for my mama's benefit."

Not in a million years would they both admit the pain they felt in that moment.

"It's okay." Aokiji's smooth voice seemed almost only a whisper.

'What is he-?'

"What are you on about?"

Aokiji placed his strong hands under her coat and they began to slide up her top as his mouth neared her ear.

"I won't let you go. It would cause me pain," his breath ticked her lobe, "but let me leave you something to tell you how I feel."


"Mama, she will come soon."

Perospero stood before the Yonko, his mother, and his captain as she glared down at him; laughing her strange laughed.

"She better do! (Y/n) seems to have done her job well," Big Mom reached over to what was on the other side of her: seemingly a talking cake as it screamed murder before being consumed, "it will be good for her to get back, she's an essential member of this crew!"

Perospero smiled at the large woman he called mother, bowing lightly before turning back to the tall doors and taking his leave.

"It's about (y/n) again, isn't it?" Smoothie had her back up against the wall next to the door as she looked down on her older brother as he exited what was the throne room. A large sigh slipped past his lips.

"It always is. Mama is getting more impatient and as far as I'm aware, (y/n) hasn't made time to get back here yet."

The tall, white-haired woman kicked off the wall to stand in the middle of the hallways. A few of the younger Charlotte siblings ran down the extensive passageway, giggling as they rushed and moved past their older siblings.

"Brûlée said that she'd spoken to (y/n) but I didn't hear from her what was said, it's getting boring waiting for her but she'll come sooner or later."

The candyman nodded, his eyes shifting to a nearby chess solider who stood outside another door opposite the main room. The tiny solider realised Perospero was looking at him so he turned his attention to the man.

"Tell the soldiers of Pumpkins Island that (y/n) will be returning as soon as she can." The chess piece nodded, dashing down the hallway to where another piece was; the two nodding at each other and then disappearing from sight.

"(Y/n) is reliable. She'll be back."



Author's Notes

I feel pretty okay about this book.

Not my best but 100000000% not my worst. *shudder*

Also also also also LOL

Happy Week! I say that because every week should be celebrated as we are lucky to be here today! You are all special and loved.

Have a good day!!!!

- TransponderSnail

(You can tell I am a little hyper and making myself cringe)

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