iv, rendezvous in the vents

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Melanie woke up in the middle of the night, alone

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Melanie woke up in the middle of the night, alone. Aris had disappeared for a few hours last night, like he had done every night for the past few nights. Melanie could tell he was paranoid, but so was she. After they had gotten separated from Harriet and Sonya, she had felt off and now the rest of their group was transported to the 'safe place', she had concluded something was up. Her reasoning was that these people were awfully nice to a bunch of low life kids, and the same guard that she noticed kept watching Daniel and her like a hawk had a face she couldn't place. If she could maybe get closer, Melanie could try to decipher where he lived in the labyrinth that was her memories.

Aris had explained to her that he had a plan, but he couldn't tell her what it was. His words were that he was going to find out about this place and get them out of here. Melanie just left him be, he could save them all with this new hero complex while she watched from a distance. She had 'saved' enough when they  escaped from the maze. The nightmares of her friends plummeting to their deaths; the shock of watching the group dwindle down and the anger that replaced it. That feeling had since changed to numbness, and Melanie couldn't seem to shake it.

She was walked to the cafeteria for lunch, like she was everyday. She sat with Aris again, picking at the mushy vegetables they had given her. She couldn't find it in herself to eat it, having lost her appetite days ago. Aris kept watching something, waiting for something;  but Melanie just ignored him. Aris was the only boy she had met in three years, and despite being a bit weird, she loved him like a little brother.

Janson returned, reading off the list of names. The daily routine of this place had become predictable down to the exact minute. Most of the names called Melanie didn't know. She just hopes that Daniel or Aris weren't called so she wasn't alone. Maybe she didn't want Thomas to get called, but the hurtful confusion over if he remembered her and if he was with Teresa, made her question if it would be better if Thomas was called. She didn't think her fragile heart found survive such a heartbreak of seeing him and Teresa together.

While they ate lunch, Aris told Melanie all that he saw last night, tales of bodies, covered with white sheets being wheeled into labs. She didn't believe him, it seemed like a grieving boy's hallucination. But the more time went on, she could see the logic in it. Killing these kids so they don't escape and tell the world about being kept in a maze for three years, she had to admit it was clever.

Janson finished, leading the 'lucky' teenagers out the door. Suddenly, with a bang Thomas stood up, walking toward the teenagers exiting the door. "What the hell is he doing?", Melanie asked Aris, concerned for the safety of the boy who had too much courage, it made him idiotic. Aris shrugged, watching Thomas intently. Melanie could see Daniel and his friends look alarmed at Thomas' actions, telling him to sit down.

He didn't listen and Melanie could have guessed he'd end up being stopped by a guard. Thomas kept trying to get through, pushing and side-stepping but the guard wouldn't budge. He stood back, pausing. Melanie could tell something was about to happen, somehow remembering the boy she cared about's stubborn nature. She began to stand up, creeping toward him in an attempt to grab him before it got worse.

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