Chapter 31 Payback time... (maybe not)

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Chapter 31

Payback time…  (maybe not)

Tomo got up and jumped a little, shaking her hands and rolled her head to either side. She took off her jacket and threw it aside. Meanwhile, Rina was panicking. Not knowing Tomo’s weakness was worrying…. She could feel dizzy spreading through her body, her veins throbbing, tingling behind her ears.

“I won’t kill you” Tomo said her usual high pitched voice, adding the insincerity. “Promise…” she smiled.

Rina sighed and stood up. Tomo walked over the barrier and drew an opening letting Mami and Koji out. Both looked like emotionless zombies especially Mami. She probably was still nerve wracked by the close call.

“Get Haruna to sterilise it first” Tomo said to Koji before sealing off the entrance after Rina entered.    

“Ok… let’s start?” Tomo asked.

Rina nodded back. Her mind was doing its 100km per hour spin on her. They stood and formally bowed before readying themselves. Rina somehow automatically reached to left side of her sash and gripped her two crimson katana handles.

A segmented purple and white in colour, staff appeared in Tomo’s hands. Tomo snapped into a steady forward stance, her left foot bent and right straight. Her body and staff faced Rina, the staff pointing slightly upwards levelled with Rina’s face. Their eyes locked in a showdown as they begin to circle each other. Tomo crossing her legs with each step, she kept the staff levelled as she stepped each step with caution. Rina shuffled sidewards in small steps, perfectly hidden by her black hakama. Her hands remained at the ready to unsheathe her swords at the call.

Moments on, they were still circling, till Tomo gave up and launched forward jabbing the staff into Rina’s face. Rina spun and drew her swords, one in front of another… spinning them, trying to getting used to the grip. Tomo still pointed the staff at Rina. Rina stepped forward and stabbed, Tomo blocked the sword but Rina jabbed the other sword. She blocked that and kicked Rina in the lower sternum follow by a higher consecutive kick impacting Rina’s chin. Gasps and “ouch” were said on the other side. Rina’s head flew back just as she stumbled back clutching her chest. Rina coughed, her neck and chin were pounding like pain. She stood upright and exhaled. Her soul could withstand much more than her human body.

“Sorry.” Tomo said. She herself had retreated to a more defensive position allowing more distance between the two of them.

Rina positioned herself again; she had to watch Tomo’s actions more closely. That blow before was a careless action. Rina lifted her foot and charged, placing all her energy into two swords and they landed square in the middle of Tomo’s staff. Giving off an unpleasant sound of metals colliding. Strangely, Tomo did not move an inch under the burst of pressure. Tomo pushed Rina off and swung her staff at Rina’s head to which she ducked. Tomo followed with a blow overhead. Rina crossed her swords, catching the staff. Rina pushed the staff off and jabbed both blades in Tomo’s direction. Tomo casually leaned aside and let the blades fly pass.

“Come on Rina I know you can do it.” Tomo mocked. “Give me your best shot!”

Rina didn’t reply. In a flash she disappeared. Tomo glanced behind. Rina had appeared behind, her swords about to hack Tomo’s back.    


Tomo dived and rolled aside, saving most of herself from being severed into 3 pieces. But the tips of both blades dug into Tomo’s arm.  She looked up to see Rina closing in.

“Hell she is fast!” Tomo thought to herself. She rolled over to grab her staff and raised it over her face blocking one of her swords and swiped her staff to stop the other sword. But without passing Rina’s face accidentally hitting her mouth in the process.

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