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Luke, closed the car trunk. Today was finally the day he'd been waiting for, moving in day. Lucky for him his classes don't start for another 2 days. That gave him plenty of time to get used to his new surroundings. He grabbed the few boxes he had, and started making his way for the dorms.

It's been stressful preparing to move for college and, well his parents weren't the most enthusiastic about it. They always wanted him to become a doctor, or a lawyer. So you can probably assume of how 'stoked' his parents were when they found out their son was getting a scholarship for music, and not something more worth while in their eyes. It did secretly hurt Luke deep down that his parents didn't really support his dream, but at least he actually got somewhere with it.

Luke was now in the main office, he was immediately noticed by a lady at the front desk. She smiled at him and said,

"Hello, I can assume by the boxes you have that you're moving in today, hm?"

"Oh, uhm yes."


"Luke Patterson."

The lady proceeded to type something on her computer. "dorm 517." she said, without even looking up from her computer. She then gave him the key. "Your roommate is already there."

Luke nodded, then gave a quick thank you. He was really tired, and just wanted to rest. Luke started to walk going from hallway, to hallway trying to find his dorm. His eyes were met with the number '517' on the door. He took a deep breath, and then knocked.

A blond boy with a pink shirt, and a fanny pack opened the door. He was taller that Luke, but not by a lot (well, that or he doesn't want to admit that he is) The boy smiled, "Hey dude, i'm assuming you're my roommate."

"Yep, that's me, i'm Luke."

"Alex." He replied, then added "Uh- sorry, come in." He moved to the side to let Luke in, once he did the first thing he noticed about the living space was that it was very neat, and something told him that it had to do with his roommate.

Which, considering he wasn't the cleanest maybe it would be a good contrast.

The two boys were now in the room that they shared, Luke on the left side, and Alex on the right side. Both of them were trying to get to know eachother.

"What do you major in?" Alex, who was now on his bed crossed leg, asked.

"Music." Luke, replied as he started unpacking some of his belongings.

"No way, me too!" Alex, smiled.

This really peaked Luke's interest, he turned to face Alex, correctly. "Really, do you play anything?" 

"Oh yeah, I play drums, you?"

"Electric, and acoustic guitar." Luke plopped onto his bed, already giving up trying to unpack everything at that very moment. He could practically hear his mom yelling at him for being 'irresponsible with his priorities' Whatever that meant.

"Sweet!- Hey, I don't know if this is weird or not, but do you want to come and hangout with some of my friends?"

"You already made friends?"

"We've all actually been friends since high school. We all applied for this college not thinking we'd all get in, but when we did with all good majors and my one friend Julie even got a scholarship for music, so it kinda just worked our way."

𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭 | JATP college auWhere stories live. Discover now