A Change in Plans

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Ello, wonderful readers! I just wanted to let you know that I'm starting a new Doctor Who fanfic, but will still be writing this one as well. Gotta keep Avera's story going. :) The new fan fic will be called "Tears of Time". You should take a look when I have the first chapter up. :) Now, enjoy this chapter!

Avera raced after The Doctor, her short legs struggling to keep up with his, long, sexy ones... Avera shook her head to clear the thought. Not the time. Besides, it was pointless. She was sixteen, The Doctor would never love her. And she could not fall for him. Or she could die of a broken heart when he didn't return those feelings.

"Everybody, get out!" The Doctor yelled. "This building is no longer safe! Everyone evacuate the building!" People started screaming and running. "Rose?" The Doctor yelled, his eyes frantically searching the crowd.

Avera saw a familiar blonde head in the sea of people, and pointed. "There she is," she said.

Rose raced toward them. "What's happening?" she asked.

The Doctor's voice was grim. "Daleks."

That one word made Rose's eyes go wide with terror.

"I need to go back and kill it. I have it a chance at life, but it didn't change at all," The Doctor said. "I either have to destroy it, or watch it kill innocent people."

"So what's the plan?" Rose asked.

The Doctor shook his head. "No time to plan. I'm going down to kill it. Go to the TARDIS, and wait for me."

"No!" Rose and Avera said in unison. Neither of them had entertained that thought for even a moment.

"I'm coming with," Rose said defiantly.

"Very well," The Doctor said, sighing. "Avera, you go to the TARDIS and wait for us!"

"No," Avera said firmly. "The only home I have is with you two. I'm not going to go sit and wait to see if I'm going to lose what I have left. I'm coming with."

The Doctor looked like he was about to protest, but something in Avera's expression must have changed his mind. "Fine, but...don't get shot again!"

Rose's mouth fell open in shock. "Y-you got shot? But...how??? How are you alive???"

"I don't know!" Avera said, exasperated. "Can we please just go kill that thing?"

The Doctor nodded, and headed toward the stairs, the girls in tow. "If we can just get some sort of weapon, and then focus on the eye stalk, we can blind it, and then it won't be able to defend itself half as well as before. We just need a weapon!" The Doctor was worked into a frenzy. "We need to find the security room," he said, stopping at the top of the stairs. He turned and started running another way. "I've been here before, there's a security room this way!"

Avera and Rose chased after, struggling to keep up with the overly excited Doctor. When they caught up finally, he was opening a door that was labeled as "Security". He went to a large metal cabinet and used the sonic to unlock it.

"Ha ha!" he said, his eye lighting up as guns were revealed when the doors were opened. He was practically jumping as he grabbed three guns and gave two of them to the girls, keeping one for himself. "Right now, let's go!"

They headed to the stairs, and The Doctor stopped to look at Avera, his expression suddenly very serious. "You can still turn back. Go and wait in the TARDIS. Survive."

Avera shook her head. "I can't just go and wait for you."

"I can't promise that you will be safe," The Doctor said.

"I've faced certain death before, Doctor," Avera said. "But I'm not dead now, am I? Besides, no one would miss me."

The Doctor looked at her for a moment longer, and then turned and went down the stairs. Both girls followed. The Doctor held the sonic up to the door handle and pressed the button, unlocking the door.

"Dalek Khan, last of the Daleks," he said. "You still have one more chance. You can accept my help. You can live a peaceful life, as the last of the Daleks. That's how you can save your race."

"But. Why. Be. The. Last. Of. The. Daleks?" it asked. It turned and started rolling toward them. It's blue eye focused on Avera.

"There. Are. Many. Things. To. Learn," it went on. "This. Girl. Could. Be. The. Key. To. An. Invincible. Dalek. Empire!"

Avera swallowed hard, finding it hard to breathe when she was so scared. She lifted the gun.

"Don't," The Doctor warned, lifting his hand. "Don't give it a reason to attack."

Avera lowered the gun, but kept her finger on the trigger.

"Dalek Khan, will you accept my offer?" The Doctor asked. "Will you let me help you?"

The Dalek was silent for a moment. Finally, it turned and rolled away from them. "Daleks. Never. Require. Help. Daleks. Are. Superior."

Avera began to feel a tickling sensation on her skin. It was everywhere, and when she looked down, blue lines were moving all along her arms. The Doctor and Rose were staring. Avera felt something building up. It was a feeling centered in her stomach. Something was about to happen. And she had no idea what.

"Get out!" Avera gasped as blue wisps of energy began to drift off her body.

The Doctor grabbed Rose's hand and pulled her out of the room. Just as the door shut, the energy was sucked back toward Avera, and then burst out in all directions, stronger than anything she had seen before. Avera fell to her knees, screaming as the energy ripping from her body seemed to rip her skin off with it. Suddenly, the pain stopped, and the world turned into blissful nothingness.

Avera came to in the TARDIS, with Rose holding a cool washcloth to her head. The Doctor was pacing back and forth, ranting about something.

"I've heard stories about it, but I never thought it was true! At least, never to that magnitude. How could it all just turn to ash? How could it defeat the last Dalek? I've heard the legends of the energy blast, but I never thought it was true!" Wild hand gestures accompanied this rant. "This changes my perspective on Neko kind..."

"Wh-what happened?" Avera asked.

The Doctor stared at her, his mouth open in surprise. "You mean...you didn't control what you just did?"

Avera shook her head, very confused.

"When the Dalek shot you, your body absorbed that energy, and processed it into something even stronger. When it was complete, your body was the weapon itself, shooting enough energy out to turn everything in that room to ash, including the Dalek. You killed a Dalek," The Doctor said.

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