Chapter 10: Sirens

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Song: "Mermaids" - Hans Zimmer

        Hold on, that's not my island. My island is not this dark and creepy unless it experienced a major makeover.

I've been flying for about forty-five minutes. The island is directly in front of me. It almost looks like the top of a head. The palm trees are twisted and close together, like hair, and a cliff is in the middle of them. Instead of white, fluffy sand, this island's sand is black. No sunshine warms my blue scales. Above is a mountain of clouds.

It feels like something is waiting for Maddie and me under it, something malicious.

I land gently on the beach and slide my friend off my head. As soon as I do, I transform back into a boy. My hair flops down over my shoulders.

Maddie finally wakes up. She is still moderately upset that I'm a dragon. What was she expecting, a knight in shining armor?

She glares at me. "Get away from me, you beast!" Quickly, she crawls away and hides under a palm tree that hangs over the black sand. Tears stream down her cheeks, and she adds, "Take me back to the Ecstasy! I want my mom and dad!"

But, Maddie.

Yep, I definitely think I went a little far with kidnapping her. How can I win back her trust? Does she still love me, or is she going to ditch me?

I take a step closer to her, but Maddie runs away. She picks up a handful of sand and chucks it in my face. "Get away from me!"

My eyes burn. Ouch! What the heck, Maddie? I thought you'd be fascinated by my true identity.

I rub the sand out of my eyes, but when I can finally see again, she is already halfway down the beach. A rumble of thunder shakes the sky, but I chase after her.

I don't mean to scare you, Maddie. I'm just so naïve.

I walk for a good while. Every time I get close to her, she throws more sand at me, as well as a few coconuts.

We reach a mysterious lagoon on the other side of the island. It's buried in a cove, and fog covers it. The water is dark, almost black, and there are eight lines of rocks that look like arms. It's freaky here.

Maddie shivers, and so do I.

"What is this place, Dragon Boy?" she asks.

I don't know, but I don't like it.

We've already had enough, so we start to leave, but then Maddie inquires, "Hey, what's that?" She points at one of the rock arms, where three figures are sitting. We're not able to get a good look at them because of the fog. They seem to stare at us like a ghost waiting to carry a child to the Afterlife.

Suddenly, my mind goes completely blank, and all I see are the figures. I love them. They're just as special as Maddie. They've placed me under their spell.

I push past my friend and hop across a small line of rocks that lead into the lagoon.

"Will, what are you doing?" she nervously asks.

There are now two figures sitting on the rocks. One is missing.

Maddie creeps up behind me, and she takes my shoulders. "What's going on?"

There is movement in the lagoon, and then a small splash at the line's edge grabs my attention. The missing figure is a mermaid.

She is absolutely breathtaking. Her hair is long and blonde, and her blue eyes pierce me like a knife. She has a yellow tail and is not wearing a top. However, her hair covers her breasts.

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