Ron - Dance Partner

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"Alright, guys! Great job today! Don't forget, the next DA meeting will be Thursday at 6:00!" Everyone began leaving as Harry finished talking. You purposely took extra long gathering your things in hopes that no one would notice.

After most everyone had left, Harry turned to you and asked if you were alright. He noticed you were having some troubles with what he was teaching that day. You had never really excelled at these kinds of things. The pressure of keeping the DA a secret, the looming war ahead, and just the fact that you had never been very good at Defense Against the Dark Arts, it all felt too much for you.

"I'm fine, Harry, just a little tired is all." He looked at you unsure, but smiled and left the room.

It was just you in there now. You sighed, and walked out of the Room of Requirement, waited a few seconds, and went back in. The room had changed from a practice room set up with anything needed to practice spells, to a simple room with a small table in the middle of it. On the table was a radio.

You put down all your stuff, and went over to the radio. You turned it on, and turned it up loud. You closed your eyes and began to dance. Your arms were in the air and your hips were swaying. You were moving all around, not dancing very good, but you didn't care, as no one could see you.

Dancing really helped you get through the tough things. Whenever you had too much on your mind and you just felt overwhelmed, you would just turn on the radio, and dance. You used to do it in your dorm room, but you worried that someone would walk in on you and laugh. But when you found out about the Room of Requirement, you knew you had found the right place to actually relax and dance you heart out.

What you didn't realize was that Ron had also noticed that you weren't doing your best today. He had hoped to talk to you in the Gryffindor common room, so he went out looking for you when you didn't come back.

He went back to the Room of Requirement and opened the door. What he saw amazed him. You were jumping around, moving your arms all over the place, and singing very off key to a song playing on the radio. A small smile appeared on his face as he watched.

Once you noticed him standing at the door, you immediately stopped dancing and just stared at him, nervous. You waited for him to begin laughing at you, but it didn't come.

You reached over to turn off the radio, but before you could, Ron began singing along to the song that was playing. He started bopping his head to the music and made his way over to you. He grabbed your hands making you dance with him. You laughed and started dancing again.

He understood that dancing made you feel better. With a smile like that on your face, how could he not? He wanted to make sure that you still felt comfortable doing the thing that you love.

He kept dancing with you till you were both sitting on the floor, out of breath.

You smiled over at him. "Thanks," you said. "That was really fun."

He chuckled lightly. "Yeah, it really was."

You hesitated. "You know, I really thought you were gonna start making fun of me for my horrible dancing," you said, a small smile on your face.

"You know, I thought about it," he said, jokingly. You lightly hit his shoulder. He chuckled again. "But I realized, that actually looked fun, so I decided to join you. Do you do this often? Dance by yourself?"

You shrugged. "I do it mostly as a pick-me-up for when I just need to take some things off my mind. It relaxes me, lets me loose myself a little bit."

He nods. "Well you know, it really was fun. If you ever need a dance partner, feel free to ask me." He smiled sweetly at you.

You smiled right back. "Will do."

And you did ask him. Every now and then, when you felt the need to dance, you would ask him if he wanted to join you. He always did. You and him would dance for hours together and always finish with big smiles on your faces.

One night, after an hour or so of dancing to the radio, he stopped and just stared at you while you were still dancing and singing to the song. The small smile on his face grew to a huge one, one of the biggest that you had ever seen.

"What?" you asked him, smiling also.

He shrugged and went back to dancing. His huge smile was back to a regular one. "Nothing," he said, nonchalantly.

"That wasn't nothing! You had the biggest smile I have ever seen on your face, and I want to know why!" You put your hands on your hips, trying to make him take you seriously.

"It was nothing," he said again, still dancing. "Really."

"I don't believe you," you said crossing your arms.

"You don't?" he asked feigning shock. "Oh well." He shrugged his shoulders again.

"Ron." You looked at him, silently begging him to tell you.

He smiled at you and sighed. "Alright, alright," he said, putting his hands up in defense. He put them back down and looked you in your eyes. "But you asked for this."

You smiled, happy that you had broke him.

"I really like dancing with you," he said after a moment. You looked at him confused, so he continued. "I mean, I really like dancing with you. I love it, actually. I get to spend my time with you, just the two of us, having fun. And, if I'm being honest. I don't just really like dancing with you." He reached forward and grabbed your hands. "I really like you."

You broke into a big smile. "Oh, Ron. I feel the same way! Ever since we've started dancing together and hanging out, I've sort of had a crush on you," you said, slightly embarrassed, although you didn't exactly know why.

He smiled at you. Then he leaned forward slowly. You also leaned forward and your lips met. It was a slow and sweet kiss. When it ended, he smiled and dragged you out of the Room of Requirement talking about how happy he was and how he wanted everyone to know why. You smiled and followed him, agreeing that everyone should know.

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