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I woke up early today because I plan to do my resume and search for possible interview questions. I also asked Jasmine to help me with the simulation interview after preparing my resume and my answers.

"Oh. So most companies ask how will you describe yourself? How do you see yourself ten years from now? What are your weaknesses? I think those are basic questions." I took my gaze off the laptop screen and looked at Jasmine, who was currently seated on the floor while eating some take-out breakfast from a fast-food restaurant.

"Yes, they are, but you have to answer them. Though you might like to answer them, more professionally. For example, for the describe yourself thingy try saying things that aren't written on your resume like your hobbies, but make sure they are related or helpful for the job position.

As for the ten years part, most companies ask that question to know if you'll last long in the company. I mean, companies would like long-term employees, you know. Try saying 'I might be the one sitting on your place in 10 years' time' or something like that.

For the last one, I think you state your weakness then provide a solution to that weakness. I forgot where I read it, but I think companies like people who are problem solvers." My mouth gaped open from the information overload while Jasmine shrugged her shoulders and continued eating.

I shook my head and looked at the screen again. I opened another tab and typed in 'how to make a resume for a secretary position', and clicked enter.

Google gave me a list of links that will help me. Out of instinct, I clicked the first one. As I read it, it explained parts of the resume, how much time a human resource manager glances at it, how to make it appealing, and so on.

"That's so much information!" I closed my laptop and sat beside Jasmine on the floor.

"Your head hurting already?" Jasmine nonchalantly asked, then ate a slice of pancake.

"Why is it so hard?" I grabbed a fork and ate a slice myself.

"Of course, it is hard. I applied to tons of jobs before but only got hired for one or two of them. Finding a job is not that easy because jobs are scarce these days. Even if you have the qualifications, you ain't sure if there's a job available for you or a company willing to hire you." I pouted my lips, slouched, then looked at Jasmine.

"How can I get a job quickly then? I badly need money to live."

"Well... Nowadays, people get hired, quickly, if you know someone in the company who has a high position, a supervisor, or something higher."

"I would never use connections to get a job, Jas. I want to get hired because I have the abilities."

Jasmine shrugged her shoulders and said, "Suit yourself. Good luck in finding a job, but don't worry I'll always support you."


"Ms. Jackson?" I immediately stood up and fixed my slightly crumpled salmon blouse, which I paired with black ankle cut slacks. "You're already beautiful Ms. Jackson." The way she said it didn't sound offensive, so I took it as a compliment.

"Thank you very much," I said, then smiled genuinely.

"The CEO is waiting for you." My mouth gaped open when I heard those three letters.

"Did you say CEO?" The lady giggled from my reaction and nodded her head slowly.

"Yes, and I'm Karen. The CEO's current secretary, but I'm resigning because my husband wants me to be a housewife."

"That's so sweet but isn't this your dream job?" I wanted to tell her 'Don't let your husband dictate your actions.' but I had to bit my tongue. I mean, she might have a reason, right?

"Actually, it is." A faint sadness reflected on her eyes, then she shook her head. "Don't get me wrong. I ain't my husband's slave. Actually, we already have three kids, and I think I need to guide them while growing to prevent them from taking the wrong path." Her eyes now reflected parental love I haven't seen in weeks.

"They're lucky to have you as their mom. You adore them more than your dream job." I had to swallow the lump on my throat before speaking.

"This is my dream job, but I also dreamed of raising my children personally and grow old with my husband then die of old age." She suddenly stopped walking turned to look at me. "We're here. I hope you get hired. I would love it if you'd be the one to replace me." She left me with a smile on her face while I'm sweating all over.

I knocked three times, but no one answered. I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. A sudden blow of cool air made me shiver a little. I took another deep breath before entering the room.

The room's interior design left me in awe. It was in the colors brown, nude, blue, and white. A built-in bookshelf full of books caught my attention first. It was behind the wooden desk full of papers which were well organized.

A few paintings were hung on the wall. Most of them were abstract paintings, so I unconsciously scanned them. A cough made me jump from where I'm standing then a burst of laughter came afterward.

I saw a man wearing a white dress shirt with two of its buttons open and a pair of black tattered jeans. My eyes scanned higher and saw a familiar man wearing a pair of reading glasses, which made him hotter.

"Why are you blushing?" I bit my lower lip from embarrassment. Laine stop fantasizing about this man! He's going to be your boss if you get hired. "Hey. Are you okay? You're getting redder. Is it hot in here?" He hurriedly searched for the remote control while I'm turning to jelly.

I urged myself to speak, but I stuttered, "N-no. It's okay. I just thought of something. You can relax, Luther. Oh! My bad. I should call you sir." Another hearty laughter echoed in the entire room.

Gosh. Why is this man making things harder for me? My heart won't stop beating erratically. Gosh. Do I like him?

"Don't call me sir. My mind's thinking of other things when you call me that, so just call me Luther." He sat on his swivel chair and motioned me to sit. "So should we start with the interview Ms. Jackson?" His aura became professional, so I had to push aside my true feelings.

I looked at him dead in the eye and composed myself. "Yes, sir."

He smirked then bit his lower lip. 

A/N: Sorry hindi ako nag update last monday. Nasa province kasi kami walang net. Try ko mag update nang isa pang chap today. Happy reading!

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