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Saturday came and I can't wait to see a gallery for the first time in my 24-year existence. I was discharged yesterday, the doctor told me to take caution when an action involves my back. It doesn't hurt as much as the first day, but it still hurts when forced.

I looked at my closet to think of an outfit I'll wear at the gallery. Different pairs popped in my head, but I don't know which one would be best for a first timer like me.

The gallery would start at 9:00 in the morning. Blake would pick me up together with Jasmine around 8:00. I looked at the wall clock and saw it's already 7:06.

"Gosh, I have to hurry and pick some damn pair of clothes." I looked at my closet again and decided to wear an over-sized white shirt with a black text 'Mode on'. I paired it with black cargo pants then tucked the shirt in. Of course for the shoes, I picked the normal cut white converse. I mean, these shoes go well with everything.

"Time for the face and hair." I sat on my vanity table and put some light make-up. "What to do with you?" I looked at my dry hair. "I'll just go with the usual." I braided it whole and done. I wore my favorite accessories namely wrist watch, earrings, and a simple necklace.

The clock ticked 7:48 and I hurried my way to the kitchen to cook some breakfast. I am running to the kitchen when I heard a knock on the door.

"Oh shit, They're here already." I went straight to the door and opened it without looking at the peep hole. "You guys are early." When I opened the door an unknown person was there. "Uhm. Sorry about that I thought you were the people I was waiting for." I shyly smiled and closed the door slowly, but a hand stopped it from fully closing.

"Are you Blake's cousin?" The stranger with a bored face asked.

"Yeah." I hesitantly answered.

"I'm Luther. He called me earlier and asked me to pick you up." Is this guy serious? Does he even have emotions or is he a robot of some kind? "Stop staring, that's rude miss." I was back to my senses in no time.

"Oh. I'm sorry. Please do come in, I'll just get my bag and we can go." I opened the door wider for him to go in, but he didn't budge. This guy is getting on my nerves. I exhaled and closed my eyes to stop the bitch in me.

I went inside without waiting for his answer and walked to my room to get the bag. Be careful. Don't trust people so easily. I know you, you're gullible. Kieth's voice came whispering in my mind. My mouth opened widely and realization hit me.

"I almost forgot. Why do I trust people so easily?" I scratched my cheek using my forefinger. "What should I do, now?" I looked around to think of what to do. I decided to get my bag then proceeded into the kitchen to get a knife. I secretly hid the knife behind me.

I might not like being a soldier, but our father trained us when we reached legal age. Military training was served in front of us the day after our 18th birthday. I still remembered my first day with that damned training. I can say I'm proud of my combat abilities.

"Come on, Laine. Keep moving. Go. Go. Go." Dad shouted full of authority. I'm already down on the muddy floor because my body can't take much of this. I'm covered with mud from my hair down to my toe nails.

With pure luck, I was able to stand up. Feet apart and hands on both knees to support my weight. I was breathing heavily. I can see my sweat dripping on the muddy ground. Maybe, my sweat made this ground muddy. I don't know already.

"Laine, move those legs here." Dad's booming voice echoed through the training grounds, he made himself.

"D-dad, I c-can't. M-my body w-won't m-move a-a m-muscle." I tried speaking normally, but I am running out of breath. My throat feels dry and my stomach is turning upside down.

"You can do it. Mind over matter, Laine." Dad shouted from afar.

I shook my head in response. I don't have the strength to speak anymore. My body feels heavy. The heat coming from the sun doesn't help, too. My legs weren't able to support my weight that long. I found myself seated on the muddy ground.

I can't take this anymore. I'd rather be in front of my canvas thinking instead if this. I feel so weak and my body isn't responding to what my mind wants them to do.

I heard dad's footsteps coming near me. When I looked up, I was right. He was there standing proudly. He was with us during training. He did what we did. His face is full of sweat. His shirt is wet and it sticks to his body like his own skin. He was sweating alright but he didn't seem tired to me.

"Get up. You are my daughter. My own flesh and blood. You'd be able to conquer this challenge. This is just the first day, Laine." He yanked my body upright, but my legs can't stand on their own anymore.

"Dad, I can't." Tears started falling because of exhaustion, hunger, thirst, pain, and everything. He looked away and put me down carefully on the muddy ground. He walked away from me and continued with his training with my brother.

I remember those days like the back of my hand. I even vomited after that and for the whole week my body was so soar all over still I have to get up early every morning and train with them.

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