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A/N Not my art, full credit to artist.

Petunia Dursley had never had a normal life. Ironically enough, that was the only thing she had wanted since the age of eleven, when she realized that it would never happen. She has never blamed herself for her predicament of course, as she learned at a young age whose fault the abnormality was. Her younger sister Lily and that miserable Snape boy that had been obsessed with Lily since they were eight. When Lily had received a letter that proved what Snape had told her was true, Petunia's jealousy began to turn into something more. When several attempts to be welcomed into the strange new world as her sister had been failed, Petunia began to feel nothing but hatred, and perhaps fear, toward Lily and those like her. Thus the moment she was able to Petunia had cut herself entirely from both her sister and their parents, who were unfortunately enthralled with both Snape and the world that their youngest was now inhabiting.

Petunia was surprised when she received an invite to her sister's wedding three years after their seperation, to say the least. She noted, rather pleased, that the name of the groom was not Severus Snape, but that of James Potter. Petunia had never heard of the man, but anyone was better than the wretched boy who lived at Spinner's End. After some deliberation, Petunia decided she would attend the wedding with her fiancee, Vernon Dursley. She didn't want to attend, necessarily, but she didn't hate her sister to the degree that she would miss a wedding, which were always full of the best gossip.

The second Petunia and Vernon had arrived at the wedding Petunia knew she had made a mistake. Having only given Vernon the bare minimum of information as to what her sister was, knowing that he despised anything he considered odd, he was not prepared for the sight that awaited them. Petunia observed, perhaps not happily, but approvingly, that the wedding was possibly the most extravagant thing she'd ever seen. She supposed that this was partially due to the fact that magic was used, but it was glaringly apparent to her trained eye that whoever this Potter was, poor was not an accurate way to describe him. When the ceremony had ended, Petunia meant to quickly depart before being spotted by the blushing, elated redhead in a white gown. She was not so lucky. Lily made her way to her unexpected, but no less appreciated, guests as quickly as possible, practically dragging James behind her. When she grasped Petunia in a massive hug, the elder pursed her lips and hesitantly patted her sister on the back. The girls introduced their respective partners, who, in James's case, politely greeted and welcomed his guests, showing a high-class upbringing. Petunia smirked slightly at her sister, causing the younger to blush further. The younger couple then insisted that their guests sit with them at the high table, where they used magic to accommodate for the extra space. During the entire exchange Vernon never once said a word, giving only curt nods and glares toward James, who he was wary of due to the untamed feature that was the younger man's hair. James apparently noted Vernon's disapproval, as would be revealed later that evening, after dinner was finished. Petunia was politely saying goodbye to her sister when a large bang, then complete silence was heard behind them. The sisters immediately turned, and what they saw shocked them both. Vernon Dursley was lying on the ground, splattered with what seemed to be an extremely large banana cream pie. Petunia glared at sister, not caring that Lily didn't have any part in the trick. The elder Evan's grabbed her soon-to-be husband and left as quickly as possible, but not before noting that Lily had stomped over to a somewhat handsome young man with long, dark ringlets of hair who seemed to be almost completely bent over with contained laughter. Petunia succeeded in leaving the reception area just as a resounding CRACK of flesh on flesh stopped her for a moment. She turned back to see the man who had been laughing brushing at his cheek, shocked, where a large red mark now resided. Scowling, although somewhat pleased with her sister's methods of dealing with the prat, Petunia continued as she heard Lily begin to scream at the insolent man. Petunia never looked back, not knowing, nor, in that instant, caring that she would never see her younger sister again.

Although Petunia did send Lily a picture of her and Vernon on their wedding day, as well as a picture of Dudley when he was born nine months later, she had not invited her sister to either event as Vernon was still quite angry about the pie incident. He had vowed, once the Silencing Spell wore off, that he would never come near such freaks again. Whenever Petunia asked Vernon what caused the incident, Vernon only vaguely muttered something about the Best Man being a freak in more ways than one and more like a woman than a man before grabbing a beer and promptly beginning to scream at his favorite football* team

A month or so after Dudley was born Petunia received a moving picture of a baby with bright green eyes. An enclosed note revealed that his name was Harry James Potter. Petunia had burned both note and and picture, as they practically radiated magic and she didn't want her precious boy exposed to such things. That was the last time, other than Christmas, that Petunia ever gave thought toward her sister. she was, after all, too busy with raising Dudley and gaining social status to worry about any freaks. That was, until a brisk November morning a little over a year after the picture had been sent, when she found something unexpected on her stoop.

A/N Hi! So, I started this fic almost two years ago after seeing a tumblr post (link in description) and deciding I wanted to run with the idea. I kinda lost motivation for a while, but I decided to start writing it again and wanted to put it on here so I could interact with anyone who commented! With that in mind, constructive criticism and any other comments are always greatly appreciated, but I would ask you all to refrain from commenting anything insulting to each other or myself. Jokes and teasing are fine, but know there's a line. That's all, I hope you enjoyed!

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