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My eyes shot open to the sound of Hayloft by Mother Mother blaring on my phone. Another day another migraine. I stopped the alarm but continued to play the O My ♡  album. I stepped into my bathroom and looked at my features in the mirror. Why must I be so....so... unmanly. Seriously it's abhorrent. I sigh as I start to get ready. After the many layers of the uniform I grab my contour palette and start to make my face look more manly in a sense.

I step out of the bathroom and grab my things. Bag? Check. Pain meds? Check. First Aid Kit? Check. Phone? Check. Headphones? Check. Extra paper and pencils? Check. Extra blank staff paper? Check. Maybe today would be great! They won't know after all. Will they? No. I think I'll be fine. I check the mirror on my door to make sure my uniform fit right. I look.... wrong. But one day I won't be. I just gotta keep thinking that.

I walk out my door with my schedule and school map in hand. I shut the door quietly and check my watch. Perfect. I'm two hours early! maybe I over did it... NAH! This gives me a shot to check out the equipment in the music room.

Making my way down the dorm stairs I see the tall boy from the train station. I grab my pocket knife from my bag just in case he was stalking me. He looks at me with a perplexed look in his face. "W-what are you doing here?" I say in a fake deep voice. He replies, "I go here...?" His voice is like honey. "You do..?" I put down my guard. And with that the deepness of my voice. He nodded and started to jog off. I read his track jacket. Volleyball club huh...? Whatever it's no like we'll cross paths too often.

As I walked down towards where the map said the music room was the sun started to rise. The hues of red and yellow made me feel warm. I opened the door to the music room and saw a large grand piano and many instrument cases. I put my things down and start to play the piano. Being the dork I am I take out my sheet music for On Love: Agape. It's a fun warm up piece now that I have it down. I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes as I started to play. Only opening when necessary.

<This is the version I envisioned the reader playing>

{Ushijima's POV}

On my way back from my run I heard music coming from the school. As I wandered aimlessly in the campus it grew louder and louder. Who could possibly be in the music room at this hour?

I stood outside the doors of the music room afraid to open them. I only listened and took in what I heard. I don't know why but it brought my mind back to the guy from the train station. The one from outside the dorms. Why was his face so prominent in my mind at this very moment?

I reached for the door handles and thought of opening them. No. I shouldn't. They probably want privacy if they're up this early to practice. I decided to just head back to mine and Satori's dorm.

{Y/N's POV}

I felt calmer and calmer the more my fingers danced on the keys. After a couple more pieces I looked at the clock and realized there was about half an hour before class started. Perfect. And I don't think many noticed me.

I pick up my stuff and sneak outside to the hallway. Looking at my schedule and map I see where my class building is. I slowly mix into the sea of students going largely unnoticed. This is good. All I have to do is blend in.

Come one Y/N keep calm. It's going to be okay. Just steer clear of everyone. Which was exactly what I was thinking when I bumped into someone tall and lanky.

To Be Continued!

I decided I'm not gonna write more than 700 words of content for my own mental health! I'm really sorry I can't do more :(

Cya on the flippity flip


{~Forbidden~} Ushijima X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now