Why are sad people sad?
A person they love dies
They gave someone their heart and it got torn to sheds
There very own thoughts drive them into madness
Too many people walked away
They can't let go
They didn't hold on hope tight enough
Or perhaps sad people are sad
because they gave out all there happiness trying to keep someone else a float
And now there is nothing left for them
So now they wait
For another foolish person
To pour out their happiness
So they can stop drowning
Only to have the cycle to begin again
So remember don't give away your happiness like spare change
And make sure to save some for yourself
Otherwise you'll find that while everyone else is living
Your sitting there barely breathing
Because you forgot to keep yourself a little happiness
Collection of Poems
PoesíaA collection of all my poems. Well really my thoughts. The darkest moments, the past, the present , the future. This is my life in words.