Part 1

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Monday morning in the bullpen:
The elevator dinged. He stepped out and went directly to his desk and threw his bag in the corner. He checked his emails. No new emails. He checked his phone if she had called him. No missed calls too. He was worried about her. She hadn't come to work since last Monday. He had not sleep at all because of his worries. "Morning Tony" Mcgee came in and went to his desk. Tony didn’t even recognize him. Mcgee noticed it. "Did you hear from her?" "No, you?" "Nothing. Do you think something bad happened to her?" Tony looked at her desk in front of him and thought about the last time he saw her. She was wearing her necklace her hair was straightened and she looked very tired. She was quiet all day long and has hide something from him. He knew something was wrong. "I do not know Bambino. I hope she is alright. She will call us when she needs help." "Yes, she will. But what is when she does not have the chance to call us? What if..."-" she is alright. How can you even think about this!? If she is in trouble, she will come out of this and if not, we will find her and rescue her." "Rescue her later DiNozzo." Gibbs walked in and said: "Dead body, grab your gear." Mcgee and Tony grabbed their gear and followed Gibbs.

Gibbs walked to the dead body and said: "What do we have Ducky?" "It seems like this marine got into a really horrible fight. Look at these holes in his body. Looks like somebody stoved him many times with a military knife." " Who is this Mcgee?" "This is Sargent Mathew Holler. He didn't show up to work for three days Boss." Gibbs looked around and then distribute orders "Tony photos Mcgee witnesses" Both answered "On it Boss" Tony took some photos of the body and then walked around to look for something helpful. Then he saw something shining in the grass. He grabbed it and recognized it immediately. He held the necklace between his fingers and thought about the next step. Should he show the necklace to Gibbs and Mcgee? He wasn't sure about it. It could be way easier if he doesn't show them what he found. He instinctively put it in his pocket and went on with the photos. Back in the bullpen Tony went directly to his desk and started searching. He was focused on his search and didn’t recognize that Mcgee was asking him questions. "TONY?! Do you even listen to me?" "No Bambino I'm focusing on my work and you should do the same Mcgeek." "I just asked you what you want for lunch..." Mcgee did not even try to figure out why Tony was so absent. But he was now worried about him too.

A few minutes later Mcgee went to Abby’s labor. Tony was alone in the bullpen. He started searching more about the things he had in his mind. He tried to figure out why the necklace was there. He was not sure if he wanted to know what happened. The next step he had to do was telling Gibbs. He took his phone and dialed Gibbs number. He thought about it a second and then called Gibbs. "Gibbs" "Hey Boss, I have to tell you something..." "Tell me." "Not on the phone Boss. It's really complicated, and you will probably be shocked about it. I have a bad theory about what happened to Holler." "So, tell me." Tony was terrified for a second cause of Gibbs walking in. He stammered: "Oh Boss... I...I thought u weren't in the office ...I..." "Tell me DiNozzo" "Um... It's not that important boss." "You said it is very important" "Not anymore" "Come on tell me" "Ok....I found something at the crime scene." "What is it Tony?" "It's a necklace... And it looks familiar to me." "Show me." Tony slowly took the necklace out of his pocket and showed it Gibbs. Gibbs sighed and said: "Ziva?" "I think so." "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" "I didn't even know what this could mean" "Have you found something?" "Not yet Boss." Tony did actually find something, but he didn't know how to tell him it.

Later that day, at Abby’s Labor. Abby and Mcgee tried to get in Hollers phone. Mcgee wasn't really focused on the case. "Abby can I ask you something?" "Yes, you can Mcgee. You can always ask me, and you know that." "Did you recognize that tony is really quiet and absent?" "Not really. Maybe it's because he failed by a woman." "No, I don't think so. I think it has something to do with Ziva." "Mcgee stop worrying about Tony. He would have told me if something was wrong." "Why would he tell you and not me?" "Because I can keep secrets and you, not." "I can keep secrets too." Abby's major mass spec dinged. "Oh, we got something. Now we know which blood type the Blood from Hollers knife has. It's type AB negative." "Did you get something for the DNA?" "Not yet. Did you get in the phone?" "Yes, but there is nothing interesting for us. He called some people on the day before he died. I try to figure out whose numbers these are." "Great. I call Gibbs and tell him what we found." A few minutes later Mcgee and Abby went to the elevator. When the doors opened, they got inside and went downstairs. As they came in, they saw the rest of the team gathered around one of the steal tables. Gibbs closed the door from the inside so nobody could disturb them. Abby asked confused: "What's wrong Gibbs? Why are we here?" Palmer was also confused: "I do not know either Abs." "It's about the case." Tony tried to find the right words for this because he knew that it could hurt somebody especially Abby. "I know it sounds absurd, but I know who probably killed Holler." Abby obviously got more confused. "What? How? And who was it? And why are we here if you already know who killed him?" "Abs try to calm down Tony will tell us who it is just wait a second." Mcgee was terrified to but he knew that Abby’s questions wouldn't be helpful. "It is Ziva. I found this at the crime scene." Tony put out the necklace and placed it in the middle of the table so everyone could see it. Ducky, Palmer, Abby and Mcgee were shocked. Nobody could say a word. Except of Gibbs: "The blood on the knife is AB negative. It's Ziva’s blood type. Tony checked her Phone and found out that she was in contact with Holler. We don't know what she is doing or why she killed this guy, but we have to figure it out. But it must stay between us. Nobody else can know about this especially Vance." "So, what should we do? Act normal?" "Yes, so get to work now and be quiet. We are only talking about it here." Gibbs unlocked the door, and everybody got to work like nothing happened.

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