Part 4

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1 hour later Ziva was sitting in a bistro drinking coffee and eating some cake.
Tony was sitting in his car and observed her. Both of them wore earpieces to hear the other. Tony took out his binoculars and looked at Ziva. She was enjoying her cake. "Uh I wish I had that cake too. I only have an old bagel and some coffee, and you have this delicious cake and a cup of warm coffee." "Tony please focus on the people who follow me. You can eat later." Tony’s stomach made some noises. "No, I can't eat later. I'm so hungry I could eat a hole steak..." Ziva laughed a little because of Tony's silliness. Tony looked around and took a sip of his coffee. His eyes stopped at a black jeep standing on the other side of the road in front of the cafe. Tony put his coffee away and looked through the binoculars again. He could not really figure out if that's the right person. But he saw at least two people sitting in this car. Tony's phone rang. He took his phone and took the call with his eyes on the car. "Dinozzo." "Hey Tony. Gibbs is going to take the next shift." "Ok Mcgoo. Do I have to tidy up my room or why did you call me?" "I just wanted to know if everything is fine." "No, it’s not.  Ziva enjoys her cake and I die cause of hunger." "So, everything as normal." "Do you want something else Mcgeek or do you just want to freak me out?" "I don't want something-" Tony ended the call before Mcgee could finish his sentence. He looked at Ziva again. "Are you ok Ziva?" "I'm fine Tony." "You don't look like that." "I'm just thinking about things Tony." "Tell me." "Not now." "Do we have to get to my apartment again?" Ziva smiled. "No, we don't have to. Just give me some time ok?" "Ok."

Gibbs walked to Tony’s car with two cups of coffee and a pizza in his hands. He got inside the car. "Hey Boss. Oh, you brought pizza. Thank you, boss I thought I had to die here." "You are not gonna die today Dinozzo." They both took a slice of pizza and started to eat. "Did you find something?" "Yes, this car on the other side of the street. The black Jeep. It's here since Ziva got here. "Tony, I have to go somewhere else. Otherwise, it looks suspicious." "Yes, go Ziva. I'll just change seats with Gibbs and then he will be your Partner." Tony got out of the car and wanted to take the pizza with him. "That's my Pizza DiNozzo." "But Boss..." "One more slice and go." Tony took the pizza slice and walked away. At the same time Ziva walked out of the bistro and went to her car. Gibbs waited for a few seconds. The black Jeep started to follow her again. He waited a few more seconds. And started following them too. Ziva was driving fast as always. She looked in the mirror. The jeep was about 50 meters away. She didn't see Gibbs. She drove across a traffic light. She looked in the mirror again. The black Jeep wasn't there anymore. She drove a little bit slower and turned in a side road. She had lost the connection to Gibbs a few minutes ago. She was a little bit afraid of what could happen next. She took out her phone and tried to enter his number when suddenly the Black jeep came out of a side road. She tried to stop the car, but it didn't work. The last thing she saw was the jeep driving away and the car from Gibbs tuning into the road before she passed out.

As she woke up again, she saw Tony standing in front of her. She was confused. She tried to sit up, but her right arm and back hurt. "Stop. Ziva you gotta hurt yourself." "Where am I?" "You’re in the hospital. You had a car crash." "Why are you here?" "Because Gibbs and Mcgee have someone to interrogate." "Really?" "Yes. Gibbs caught the men in the Jeep. We will hopefully know soon what is happening." Ziva get up again. She moaned from the pain. "Ziva, you need rest. Please lie down." "No, I don't need rest. I'm fine Tony." Tony sighed. He knew he could not change her mind. "But please promise me that you will be cautious." "Yes, I will try to." "So, can I do something for you?" "Yes... You could bring me a coffee." Tony looked confused because he definitely did not expect that answer. "Ok I will bring you some coffee." He stood up and walked out of the room. As he closed the door Ziva stood slowly up and put on her jacket which was lying on the chair next to the bed. That caused a lot of pain in her arm. She put on her shoes and went to the door. She opened it, looked around and then went to the exit of the building.

5 minutes later Tony stood in front of the coffee machine and waited for his coffee. He took the coffee and went back to Ziva’s hospital room. As he opened the door, he was shocked that the bed was empty. He thought about it again and gave himself a slap on the head. How could he not have thought about this? He called Gibbs to tell him. "Dinozzo what's up?" "Ziva isn't in the hospital anymore." "I know." "Wait... How would you know that..." "She's here. And you should come here too." "On it, Boss." They both hang up and Tony walked to his car to get to the NCIS building. At the same time Ziva and Mcgee were in front of the interrogation room and waited for Gibbs coming in. "Do you know these guys?" "No, I never seen them before. That doesn't make sense Mcgee. Why are they following me? And why should I become wounded?" "Hopefully Gibbs will find out soon." Gibbs came into the interrogation room. He sat down on the chair in front of the suspect and slammed the file on the table. He opened it and took a picture of Ziva out. "Do you know her?" "No, I don't." "That's a lie. You followed her the hole day." "Have you proof for that?" "Yes." He pulled out another picture. "This is your black Jeep. You and your partner sitting in there and observing Ziva David." The man rolled his eyes and said: "Ok. Let's make a deal. You promise that I won't get into jail and I tell you what I know." "I don't make deals with gangsters." "So, you have to find out by yourself." "I will." Gibbs stood up and walked out of the room. "He won't say anything." "That's right Mcgee. But maybe another agent could break him." He looked at Ziva with a provocative look. "It’s my turn." She walked out. "Boss, do you think this is a good idea? She would probably kill him before he could say a word." "I know Mcgee." Ziva walked to the man grabbed him by his jacket and slammed his back on the table. "What do you know?" "The man gasped for air. Ziva’s voice became louder. "TELL ME!" "OK, OK... I will tell you everything but, please don't kill me." "Why would I kill you?" "My boss said you could kill people in many different ways." Ziva loosened her grip. "That's right, I could." She sat down on the other chair. "I got ordered to observe you. My boss wanted to kill you. I don't know exactly why but I know that it has something to do with Adam Eshel." Ziva heard enough. She didn't know what to do in this moment. She stood up again and went out of the room. She got in the hallway and ran into Tony. "Hey where are you going Speedy Gonzales?" Ziva looked at him with a serious look. "What's wrong?" "I'm tired of your jokes DiNozzo." "Hey. Could you please tell me what's going on?" "The suspect is not the guy who is the leader of this. There is someone else. And it makes me crazy. I want to know what this is all about." "I understand. Calm down we will find out. Ok?" "I can't Tony. I want to see this guy dead who ever this is." Tony grabbed her arm, looked her in the eyes and hugged her tightly.

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