39th Chapter

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I went to Bayezid's chambers immediatley. I was really mad on him. Rana Hatun wanted to poison and kill him, and now he saves her life because she is pregnant with his child. I know poor child doesn't have any fault, but it was inappropriate for Rana Hatun to stay in Harem.

I knocked on his doors and waited for aghas to let me in. They soon let me in and I saw Bayezid sitting on his working desk. He was really happy when he saw me.

- Aslihan, my love, come here!- he said to me and pointed to me to sit in his lap. He was really happy when he saw me and I was confused, he thought I am going to be happy to when I found out he will have child with another woman?

- How can you act so calm in front of me and be so happy? - I disappointedly asked him because I couldn't believe how is he acting.

- What are you talking about? - he confusedly asked me as he got up from his working table and walked closer to me.

- You freed Rana from the dungeon. You broke your promise again, for the umpteenth time. - I said to him showing him my disappointment.

- Aslihan, what other should I have done? She is pregnant and she is carrying my child. She must have been freeded. - he said to me and I asked myself who is stupid here? Maybe me because I am overreacting like this, or Bayezid which acts that everything is fine?

 - he said to me and I asked myself who is stupid here? Maybe me because I am overreacting like this, or Bayezid which acts that everything is fine?

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- That woman tried to kill you Bayezid. She was poisoning you for days. And now you forgive her because she is carrying your baby? - I asked him in distrust because I couldn't believe how is he acting.

- Aslihan, I know it is hard for you, but she is pregnant. She must live normally in harem. At the end, it was Selim who ordered her to do that. - Bayezid said to me. I couldn't handle this anymore.

- So you forgave her that, fine. - I said to him and looked at another way to show him how disappointed I am with his acts.

- What should I have done else? You wanna say that I should have killed her and my unborn baby? Thats what you want, right? - he asked me angrily

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- What should I have done else? You wanna say that I should have killed her and my unborn baby? Thats what you want, right? - he asked me angrily. He looked at me angrily like he was never before. I tried to calm down, but I couldn't do it anymore because he was making me crazy with his every spoken word.

- I don't want to say that its the child's mistake, but you should have killed her. - I said to him and raised my head in front of him. I knew that is going to make him angry, and I didn't care anymore about that.

Bayezid broke his promises every time and I couldn't handle it anymore. Whatever I did to lead him on good way, he was too stubborn and always did his own way. I didn't want to take care of his acts anymore. I was tired of that all.

- I don't want to hear those things anymore

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- I don't want to hear those things anymore. Be aware what are you talking. Rana is one of my favourites and she will give birth to my child. You will have to come to terms with it!- Bayezid said to me really angrily. I didn't care if he is angry on me, his words hurted me again. Each time he was hurting me more and more, but I didn't want to show it to him anymore.

- If Rana is so important to you then be with her. You don't have to see me anymore. I will take care of children and you can visit them when you want, but I don't want to see you anymore. - I said to him and looked him directly in his eyes which were burning from anger.

- Who are you to tell me those things? I love you Aslihan, but you cross every possible border. Maybe I gave you too much power so that is why you became like this. I miss Aslihan who had pure heart, and not this one who wants only bad to everyone including my favourite. - Bayezid said to me and he looked me with a kind of disgust and disappointment. I was shocked by his words once again.

- Then you can took me all the power you gave me. I never meant anything bad to anyone. Reason why I changed is that you hurt me on every possible way. I always give my everything to give you everything. I always helped you. Whatever I did was because of your life and life of our children, and this is your way to thank me. - I said to him and raised my head while I looked at him really angrily.

- Rana will stay here. And if anything bad happens to her, I will threat you for that. You will be responsible for that. - he said to me not even looking at me.

- If you want it like that, it will be like that. I won't mix into your things anymore and I hope you will do that alone. But I want you to know, you wouldn't be here where are you now if I wasn't with you. I hope Rana will help you and threat you the same way I did. And I hope she will love you at least half of as much I loved you, because none woman will ever you love as I did. -I said to him as my eyes were filled with tears.

- I would have done it everything alone. I gave you too much power so you think you can mix now into everything. You can't mix into my harem. I can have more women, not only you. - he yelled at me and tears started going down my face. This was already to much for me. I couldn't believe what he is saying.

- Then I won't mix into anything anymore. Take all the power you gave me. I don't care for it. I don't want to see you ever again. Have another woman, but then you won't have me. I don't care for you anymore.- I yelled on him angrily not caring if I will be sorry about that all later.

- I don't want to see you also. Maybe it was better if when you left my harem you would never return. - he yelled on me angrily which broke my heart.

This time it was too much for me. He crossed his every border. No matter if we both told those things from anger to each other, this was too much. My all love for him died today. I don't care about him anymore.

He can enjoy with life with Rana, but he will never again have me. My heart died at his last sentence. I just have left his chambers. Very angrily with broken heart. This was the end of our love story. From now on, all my love is going to my children. I will do whatever is important to give them bright future. And I won't care about Bayezid, I hope he will enjoy with Rana Hatun.

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