45th Chapter

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Hurrem Sultana decided to make a huge celebration in Harem in Bayezid's name. She invited concubines to dance and play music for us in Harem. She sat on her throne on Harem and enjoyed the music, but the thing is that she didn't invite me.

I couldn't care less for Hurrem's celebration or for the fact that she didn't invited me. Being in dungeon would be more fun than sitting with her and Rana at the same table.

Mihrimah called me to come with her, but I refused. If I wasn't called, I wouldnt go there.

The party started already at early evening and I heard the music even in my chambers. I decided I won't go down to sit with Hurrem and Rana, even though Mihrimah was there, but I would rather go on Harem balcony to see what is happening.

 I decided I won't go down to sit with Hurrem and Rana, even though Mihrimah was there, but I would rather go on Harem balcony to see what is happening

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I stood there and looked everything what is happening at that moment. I saw Rana is doing whatever is possible just to became closer with Hurrem. She thought Hurrem is able to defend her from me, but she didn't know no one will be able to stop me from what I thought.

I saw Hurrem is enjoying the party, until the moment she saw me standing at the Harem's balcony. Her mood changed quickly from happy to angry. I putted my hand on balcony so she could better see her emerald ring on my hand.

Rana looked at me also and she rolled my eyes. I saw she whispered something to Hurrem. Mihrimah sent me huge smile from downstairs.

- Sultana, Hurrem Sultana called you to come down. She has to talk with you. - Sumbul-aga, Hurrem's close servant came to me to tell me that.

I decided to go because I wanted to know Hurrem's reaction. I wanted to see her explode when she sees the ring on my hand.

I came downstairs and bowed to Hurrem and Mihrimah. I sat next to Mihrimah on sofa because as Haseki Sultan I could do it. Rana sat down on pillow and she looked jealousy at me.

- How can you sit next to Mihrimah Sultana? Dont you know you aren't the same title? - Rana asked me shocked by my acts

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- How can you sit next to Mihrimah Sultana? Dont you know you aren't the same title? - Rana asked me shocked by my acts.

- Don't compare herself to you, Rana. You are still a slave, while she is legal wife of my brother. There is huge difference between you. - Mihrimah raised her head and said to Rana, and smiled at me.

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