Ch 1: a fairy tale's reality

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there once was a little girl. she loved life. she was happy. she had a loving family.

"let's go to the festival!!"

she lost all that along with her faith in life.

"i wanna destroy everything that i see! towns, houses, people... i wanna destroy them all! i grew up in the white town - flevance. it's not so long...till i die"

she was messed up... until she met someone... who tried to save her...

"it's a monster! get it out of here!!"

but it only made her more miserable... just how much that person loved her...

"you're still a rude little girl... and hearing you say "i'll die soon" is... heart breaking... "

but as time passed... her savior made her believe in life again... 

"you just called me 'cora-san'!" 

he promised her life... and they lived a happily ever after.

"hey law...i love you!"

that's where it always ends... kids are never told the rest of the story...

"i'm sorry i lied to you... i didn't want you to hate me..."

about how there is no such thing as a... happily ever after...

"she is free!!"



law's life was simple.

she hates going through flashbacks so she will skip it....

everyone knows the story....but no one has seen her since it ended.

she lived with the family suffering unhealed trauma and a few years later things got worse to the point no one can take it, she was seeing a therapist.

as for personal life... she was the best surgeon in the country... lives alone since she is 24 already... no love interest.. well, except this guy... kid... though it was only for pleasure so it is not considered 'love'.

"you're killing yourself slowly. you know that right?"

dr. robin wasn't exactly a therapist, but she helped law more than any other therapist she went to... they all ran away... cowards.

"that's great! any idea when it will happen?" law asked with a smile. she was a sadist. psychopath. call her whatever... she's mentally unstable... mad. insane....crazy...?

not sure herself. but she doesn't care... she takes those names as compliments... feeding this bloodthirsty monster inside... .

robin looked unimpressed "are you still with kid?"

"yup" law answered. as said before, it was only for pleasure, nothing more nothing less. kid was simply a toy. to him, she was sure she too was a toy. but none cared for each other's feelings... 

nobody cared about her so why would she care about anyone?

"i suggest you never meet him again" she said sternly "and we should do some changes because this 'way' of yours isn't working"

law scoffed "who cares? you're payed to listen to me and that's what you'll do. and we both know you do it for money" law was rude.

"I'm not doing this for mone-"

"oh please! don't act as the nice guy here. if i didn't pay you, you would have left long ago" robin was starting to get annoyed. she's been with her for 6 month now, she took her rude nature and stupid ways. "you work for me. don't order me around" robin was patient. and she always tried to not let her talk anger her. she wasn't even a therapist but decided to help her. robin did care about her.

"you finished?" 

"yes" law smiled coldly.

"alright. first of all, you will leave kid-"

"no" robin glared "i don't wanna"

"second of all, you're temporarily leaving your job. you'll work a more fun one-" robin smiled at law's curious face "how about a teacher or a babysitter? how about you work in an orphanage?"

"so in other words, work that involves kids. you sure you want me to be near those?"

robin smiled again. she was glad law took her idea. "choose where you want to work and I'll take care of the rest"

"cool... is there a third of all?"

"no, that's all"


"i must be quite degusting in your eyes now, right?" she asked the picture of her savior that she had in the living room "i mean, you risked your life for me and look at me now!"

"I'm pathetic, aren't i?" she was cold in her talk. no emotion seemed to take place. "if i was like this... would you still save me?" she didn't care much as she left the house.


it was around midnight when she was about to leave kid's house.

"hey kid... are you sure you want to continue this?" that question wasn't expected.

"well... yes" kid was taking this as simple pleasure at first. but as time passed he had feelings developed for her. but he had no idea how to bring it up to someone like her.

"i was told to leave you" she smiled at him. "well, whatever. I'll call you later" she was about to leave when he spoke again.

"why didn't you?" she smiled again.

"you're satisfying... i like you" that gave him hope. but he shouldn't raise any expectations.

"would you be mad if i wanted to leave you?" they knew each other for a year now. kid is still trying to make her like him so he would guarantee a 'yes'. but that won't be easy... not in the slightest.

"no... you left me so i will find someone else... though i would be disappointed... " that made him raise his expectations.

law was treating a police officer.... who liked her secretly. it's a shock officer smoker likes anyone. she noticed how he looks at her and cares a lot about her.

law excused herself as her phone rang. "been eager for me to call, weren't you?" doflamingo said through the phone.

she smiled "who is it this time?" either some one who left the family or betrayed it or simply a rival. 

"nobody's getting killed i just called to inform you that i we will be away for a while and i thought you might want to stop by... "

her crazy smile widened "sure... " she was used to this... being a simple obedient doll. she hated him ... but she also hated herself so it won't matter who gets hurt by what.  who cares anyways..


i think that's enough for the first chapter. things will go in a reaaally fast pace by the way. 

vote and comment please, i want to know your thoughts on this.

thank you for reading.

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