ch 2: snow white and the seven dwarfs

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teacher. parents complaining.

babysitting. still has parents complaining.

orphanage? well they have no parents and no one cares about them so that's the only job law managed to stay in. much to robin's amusement all kids are fine.

until today. 

last night law was tired and sleepy so she promised the noisy kids to take them on a tour to the mall if they shut up. she forgot about it but cursed herself for promising anything and fulfilled her promise.

zoro, ace, sabo and sanji were in the back while Nami and nojiko were in the passengers seat with 3 years old luffy. he was sleeping. while law was driving.


"choose what you lik-" law was supposed to be getting them ice cream but when she turned around "where the heck did they go?!"

law ran through the shops looking for seven kids. youngest is three. oldest is eight.

she stopped when she heard something crash inside a book store. she went inside and indeed, nami was on the floor with tons of book on top of her. 

"laaaww!" Nami cried as she ran to her. 

the guy had quite a short temper for someone who worked in a book store "you're not welcome here! get out!" and just like that they both went out.


"what the heck were you doing?"

Nami stoped crying and looked up with a grin "stealing a book" she showed her the book. she was grinning but she was scared she will be punished and screamed at.

but instead law grinned as well and looked back at the shop "good work! that guy kind of deserved it.."

she took her hand and started walking. they reached a library "I'll leave you here till i find the others. don't move"

"wait!" law turned around to nami "sanji will be near a restaurant. zoro near sharp things. sabo somewhere quite or with ace. other than that look in game booths or explosion or trouble you find" 


indeed zoro was in a weapons shop. law took the swords he was holding and grabbed him outside.

"either you stay in the car or help me find the others" law said

"how about neither?" 

"then i'll leave you in.... how about the airzone?"

he grinned "sounds cool" she walked there as fast as she can, poor zoro couldn't keep up and started running.

he got there and started having fun already "by the way! i saw sanji near some Chinese restaurant!"


she found sanji cooking in the kitchen of the restaurant. he knew the cook there.

sanji was sweet and decided to help her look for the others. they split up as sanji went to the clothes shop while law to the gaming booth.


"this was a mistake!" she said as she walked towards the gaming booth with sabo. she found him talking with some adults somewhere.

"we're sorry-"

she cut him off "save it for later! it has been three hours now!"

"there they are!"

she stopped and looked to where he pointed.

sanji and zoro were fighting with each other while nojiko and nami were playing with luffy. she went to them "where is ace?!?" they all shut up as law was angry.

"he went to the car. but we wanted to wait for yo-" she cut sanji off and made them all go to the car.

the ride home was quite.

no one dared open their mouth.


law was reading quietly as all kids were in bed. or so she thought. but it was 11 already.

"story!!" she was startled by luffy being here.

"why are you out of bed?" she glared.

"story!" he shouted again holding a story book.

she sighed and was about to pick him up when she heard whispers from the hall. "alright!" she shouted "what is it?!"

they all came and stood beside each other. "we're sorry!" they glared at ace when he didn't say it. he just glared back.

she sighed again getting their attention and sat on the ground and let luffy sit in her lab. she smiled at them again and held the storybook "who wants to hear a bedtime story?" they all cheered as they sat in a circle while law started reading 'snow white and the seven dwarfs'


"ace is grumpy!" luffy said gesturing to one of the seven dwarfs, making everyone laugh, except ace of course.

"hey! I'm not-" ace didn't get to complete his sentence as he fell asleep.

right. that's the narcolepsy attack sabo talked about. "nah. he's probably sleepy" sabo said.

"i would say luffy is dopy" nami said.

"sanji's bashful" nojiko said "zoro's the one who should grumpy!"

"and i think sabo would be doc" law said. "and happy is...nojiko i guess"

luffy laughed "that makes nami sneezy!!" nami blushed as everyone laughed and started making fun of her.

"and that makes our beautiful law-san snow-white!!" law smiled softly as they all agreed with sanji. he was the sweetest of them all.

"alright that's it. time to go to bed"


i think all chapters will be based on different fairy tales. who knows?, I'll try to make it work out.

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