Ch 5: Cinderella

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Law was treating officer smoker yet again today at the hospital.

She was treating his arm when his eyes widened for a second. "What's with the ring?" He looked at the beautiful golden ring she was wearing.

She finished and smiled at her ring before smiling towards smoker. A rare smile it was. "I got engaged!". She giggled for a second "Kid proposed last Friday. Our wedding is already getting planned. Oh! And you should come!" He looked confused for a second "I helped me a lot in the last while and well. don't have to come....but you could if you want!"

He stayed silent for a few minutes "sure..." that made law smile. She started seeing him as a friend. They see each other a lot after all. She got used to him.


"I hate that kid!" Ace said as he walked next to sabo in the hallway. It has been a week ever since luffy came back. Turned out some kid made a deal with people outside the orphanage and helped kidnap him. Nobody really knows that so the kid is still with them here. Nobody really knows who the kid is either.

"Which one? you hate them all..." sabo said.

"You know...the mean one who tried pushing nojiko down the stairs after humiliating her at dinner..."



"Well we shouldn't worry much. Since this orphanage has more kids now parents will come and most of us will get adopted.... kids like him will probably stay here..."

"What the heck...?!" Ace shouted as he ran ahead of sabo. He was confused for a second before looking out the window. his eyes widened as he ran to catch up with ace.


Law came that afternoon. and the first thing she did was treat luffy. This kid, Hody, was bullying him violently. Luckily ace and sabo came in time to push him away.

Luffy kept crying the whole time after law finished treating him. Luckily punches and kicks didn't work on him or else he would have been in a bad shape.

After that, Law tried to be friends with the other kids. But she couldn't believe how mean they were! Most of them looked at her with disgust and they even dared to call her names like witch and freak and they even had the nerve to swear!! She caught herself before she felt like punching one of them. Hody was extra evil. She hated the kids!

She decided to stay with the three brothers after that. She was going to one of the halls when a bucket of paint fell on her head. Her knees were kicked from behind making her fall. She heard kids laughing as she removed the bucket from her head. Before she knew it she was getting robbed. They took her phone and wallet and three little girls liked her heels so they took that as well.
She was about to explode when someone took her hat and was pushed again. It was hard to maintain her balance when She had paint on her feet.

She expected to be met by the cold wooden floor but instead she was caught by strong arms- just kidding, not all falls are met by guys- but instead she was met by the stairs. Just Why the heck did she tell kid to stay home. He offered to come but she refused. He could have helped her now!....or just made it worse....

She couldn't feel the blood that went down her head when she fell down the stairs or anything but the angry blood loving monster who will kill those kids. They messed with the wrong person. Law's crazy, she just goes normal from time to time. And nobody would want to see that freak inside her.

She reached for her pocket knife, she always has them just in case, only to realize it's not there. They took that as well. Oh well, she'll just choke them. But if she did she wouldn't come here again.

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