Ch 4: Dumbo

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kid started visiting the orphanage with law about a week ago. he wasn't friends with all of them since he was scary in everyone's eyes. but he didn't really care, he got to spend time with law and that's what's important to him.

"and then Dumbo fly! and lived with mrs. jumbo happily forever!!" whenever luffy watched a movie it would get stuck in his mind till he watches something else. it's annoying...but cute. law and kid didn't get to comment on his talking as ace came and dragged him away from them.

"that kid doesn't like me at all..." kid said as he watched ace talk angrily to luffy having sabo join the argument.

"it's not you...he doesn't like anyone. well, except for his brothers.." law said. "anyways, since when did you like kids?"

"i don't, and you don't either..."

"....well, i started to like them....but you still don't. then what are you doing here?"

"spending time with you" he grinned making law chuckle.


"i don't think i can go there anymore" law was having lunch with kid after they left the orphanage. "I'm going back to the hospital ....I'm going to miss them.."

"if you really like them that much. why not adopt one?" law laughed at what he said.

"that's the same thing robin suggested!"

"who's robin?"

"a friend of mine. anyways, i don't think i can raise a kid on my own. and i won't be a great parent..."

"ever thought about having someone to help you?"

"with raising a kid? yeah, but i don't really have anyone-"

"am i a joke to you?"

she blinked "you serious?'ll help me raise a kid?"



it has been a month. and law didn't visit. 

it has been a week ever since a nearby orphanage, 'going merry', was on fire. all kids were fine but they were sent to the thousand sunny orphanage since it was big and it only had seven kids.

it became crowded. something the seven kids weren't used to. but they adapted. they even made new friends. 

"luffy!! wake up !" ace shouted as luffy won't move from under his blanket. "i said-" ace shut up once he removed the blanket. luffy wasn't there.

soon every single kid in the orphanage was looking for luffy, in and outside the orphanage. they were starting to give up after their third try... still no sign of the 3 years old rubber boy.


it has been a couple of weeks ever since kid asked law out. she agreed and a couple of dates later she was officially his girlfriend.

"watching humans get enslaved for a date... how romantic..." law said sarcastically as she sat with an angry kid. the rich people in the city are nuts, they still do have slaves instead of servants.

"I'm sure Bonney said she got us tickets for some theater play!"

"don't get so angry" law was pretty calm for someone watching such a cruel sight "maybe she got it wrong... she did it from the internet. she probably just pressed the wrong button"

it has been about 15 minutes ever since it started. kid as angry and annoyed as ever, but he became suspicious when he looked at law. she was watching what's happening with cold eyes. she refused to leave though. 

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