Ch 3: Pinocchio

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"sanji was the sweetest! luffy was also really cute and nice! me, nami and nojiko talked about fashion .... oh i can't believe i ever got mad at such great kids!" law laughed.

"i see being around children did wonders to you" robin said. she was glad this was working. "do you want to continue in it?"

"nah... those kids will get adopted at some point and i can't abandon my job.." she sighed "I'll miss them..."

robin thought for a minute "why don't you adopt a kid?"

law raised an eyebrow "you think i can raise a child. me. raising a child. alone. what kind of parent would i be?" she looked at the ground "i mean.... a child is a huge responsibility. i don't have what it takes to raise a child. just imagine what they would grow up to be like if i raised them"

"why don't you try to make it possible? to have what it takes? it was just a suggestion but if you actually do want a child you will get one" if law wants something or someone she will get them even if she must use force. everyone knows that.

".....I'm thinking about it...."


"how about this one?" Bonney pointed at a silver ring in the jewelry shop she and kid were in.

"you think she'll like it?" he asked. Bonney was helping him buy an engagement ring. yes, an engagement ring.

"well... you can't afford much but if she loves you for real she will accept it"

"she likes me..." she raised an eyebrow at him. "she said she likes me but she doesn't love anyone..."

"you know... until now I'm trying to help you because i know you love her. but i don't like that girl. she's a phsyco. is she even real?"

"what do you mean?"

"is she a real person? can you trust her?" 

he had no idea how to respond... 


law bought the kids a ton of Disney movies on DVDs. she let them watch Pinocchio. 

sabo left the others and went to her after the movie ended.

"i have been wondering...."

"hm?" he had her attention. 

"why did you bother with us...?"

law's mind stopped for a second. what should she say? I'm here because it helps me mentally?

"it doesn't matter why, it's only temporarily anyways...." 

"oh.." sabo didn't want to end the conversation yet. he wanted to talk with her. he did like talking to adults. "um.... what did you use to do before coming here?"

"I'm a heart surgeon"

"you save lives then" he smiled "do you love your job?"


"what are you talking about? can i join?" sanji asked as he too came over.

"sure.." law answered even though she getting annoyed.

"hey law.... are you married?" sanji asked.

"no... I'm single"


"i don't love anyone..."

sabo frowned "in general or...?"

"in general"

"how come? don't you love your family?" 

"mine died when i was a kid. i was adopted but i hate my current family"

"what are they like?" sanji asked.

"mean, rich and only care about power..." she wasn't sure they would understand but..

they both smiled widely "same!!" she raised her eyebrows.

"our parents are the same!" sabo said.

"yeah...they're mean! and rich and they like power!" sanji said. those two were glad they found someone like them.

she smiled slightly when....- wait, did they just say parents?

"wait! your biological parents are alive?!" they both nodded "then what are you doing here?"

"because they're mean and rich and they like power...and they don't love us.." sanji said, again.

"and we ran away!" sabo said.

"is it only you? or...what about the rest?"

"nah...they're all orphans. but that doesn't change the fact that we're all siblings now"

"you must really love them..."

"yes... now let's get back to you....who do you love?" sanji asked.

"no one"

"liar! you must have loved someone at some point! even if you don't know it" sabo said.

"yeah! if you keep lying to yourself like that. your nose will end up being just like Pinocchio's"

"am i lying to myself?" law asked Corazon, well his picture to be specific. "am i fake? am i ....still likable?"

"do you still love me?" the place was quite as she felt her eyes water "I'm ruining my life aren't i?" she started crying as she hugged her legs close to her chest and rested her head on her knees "you died so i can live happily but i just destroyed died for nothing..."


"you are destroying your life" robin said. "maybe you should fix wouldn't be that hard. you just need to have control over your life. over yourself"

"I'm not sure about anything anymore.... am i even a real person? somebody... not honest to herself?" law was laying on the couch like she always does.

"what made you think all this all of a sudden?"

"sanji said that if i kept lying to myself like that my nose will end up being like Pinocchio's"

"Pinocchio? i love that movie..." she smiled "Pinocchio wasn't a real boy either... he had to prove himself to be one..."

law immediately sat up, surprising robin for a second "how did he become a real boy!? no- how do i become a real boy!?-no-i mean girl!"

"what do you think is wrong in your life?"

law stopped and blinked "the people...obviously.."

"then cut ties with the wrong people. who are the closest people to you?"

she stopped and laid down again. thinking. an hour passed until she talked again

"you, kid and that bastard. you are not an enemy, I can consider you a friend. as for kid.... he's cool and all but..... he too is a for the real bastard, ...... I let him hurt me. until now, I still let him take advantage of me physically and mentally. I'm just an obedient doll in his eyes. I hate him so much. but I also hate my self as much....."


"we shouldn't do this anymore..." kid wasn't expecting her to say that. he was just going to tell her how he feels.

"what? why?" 

"i know this is just for pleasure but we should stop. it hurts both of us even if we don't know it yet"

"i get your point" he smiled. law wasn't expecting that either. "i don't want to do this anymore either....not when we're not together..." she raised an eyebrow "i like you"

. . . they were both silent for a minute...."as..?"

" a friend! yes, i see you as a friend"

"you serious?"


law smiled softly "alright...I'll see you around then" law wouldn't admit it but she was happy to have a friend now... that's an improvement...


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