Chapter 1

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I fasten my silver and black snapback around my head. I make sure my green and black Osiris are tied. I check my backpack to make sure everything is there. Nike's, four water bottles, a canteen, a water purifier, cans of food, a flashlight, a fifty pack of batteries, matches, my phone, my plane ticket to Panama city, enough money to last a family of four a whole year, a dagger, a handgun, and my good luck charm, my stone with my name carved into it. I hook the backpack onto my shoulders. I also make sure a blanket and a towel and an extra pair of clothes is in my backpack. Since everything is in place, I grab my mini skateboard and I continue down the block into the other side of town.

My tan hair dances behind me in the wind as my dark blue eyes flutter. My hands balance me as the skateboard rattles and shakes on the rough concrete road. My red flannel shirt waves in the strong breeze far north Alabama offers me. I planned out this day for about a month and a half. I was planning to leave my Mom because she's not a very good one. Dad left her for the same reason i'm leaving her. She's always smoking weed and getting high of Molly. She can't ever go an hour without a shot of whiskey or champagne. She'll probably be to drunk or high to care that I left, just like she was to Dad.

But that's not the only reason i'm leaving my home. It's school. It's such a torture house. Whenever I wanna do something, i'll do it. Me doing it is not the problem though, it's those skinny bitches who always ruin it. They always diss me for dressing like a boy and having a boyish name. I got sick of the "boy name" teasing in seventh grade so I legally changed my name to Tallahassee, the place in Florida i'm planning to go to. People still made fun of my name for being weird. Anyways, i'll just get so sick of them, they're so damn annoying. Once they kill my last nerve with their stupid girl talk, i'll snap. I'm 15 by the way.

And when I say snap, I mean snap. I'll stand up and cussing at them and they'll have a hissy fit and then the dumb jock boys will come to their side and rescue her. They'll attempt to push me into a locker but at the split second, I duck and I punch them in the cheek and throw them to the ground. That's usually the time where i'll get caught, but if not, i'll just trip the girl. I'll admit the obvious, it's really easy to trip a girl wearing three inch stripper heels.

Lost in thought, my skateboard hits and big pebble and it flies up from under me. It shoots in front of me but luckily I save myself before breaking my back. I pounce up and I grab my skateboard. My phone navigation reads i've skateboarded about four miles away from my neighborhood in the past forty five minutes. Pretty good time. I see the end of this current neighborhood and the sight of the city of Huntsville.

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