Coffee shop

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Tommy's pov~

I walked down the cold baron streets of the small town I was in. As always there were one or two people that recognized me and asked for a picture, of course, I didn't mind but I just want to go to my destination and relax for once. I looked up from my phone and realized I was there. As I looked at the small café and sighed with relief, finally I was there.

   I slowly walked in and looked around and then slowly to the counter where everyone would usually order. it seems Colby was working today, I saw him look at me and wave excitedly. I walked over smiling softly, "Hey, works slow today ey?" I asked Colby with a small smile and chuckled when I saw him sigh.

   " Tell me about it! how come they always put me on the boring shifts?" Colby said the sentence lined and smothered with annoyance. see, Colby works the night shift's, where the time of night has  everything quiet and there's barely any customers. Why do you ask? cause he hates mornings more than anything, people too.

  " Why don't you start working the day shift instead," I say with a sarcastic voice. Colby looks at me as if I'm the most dense person they know or as he would have said 'a clot pole' whatever that means. " boi! you already know I ain't cuckin up for that stupid shit." I simply laugh at Colby's statement " anyway, you want the usual?" Colby asks.

   Now I know your probably not wondering why I have a usual but ill tell you anyway, I usually come here every night around 9:30 to get some coffee and a sandwich, again you probably don't care but you also might be asking 'why is a coffee shop open at that time? and the answer is I don't know either, I'm just happy it is.

   After moving in with Tubbo i went on a walk one night and stumbled upon this little coffee shop and had entered to see Colby working here even then. Colby seemed to love this place too, ever since that day we exchanged numbers and became good friends. " You know me too well colbs." I say with a smile and walk over to my usual seat. sitting down I looked around and saw Christmas decorations up, some weird looking Santa streamers, and some stickers in the windows.


  I got my computer out of my leather satchel I had just bought last year in the spring, it had x designs on the flap and my name engraved on the front with a little heart in the o. I placed the computer down lightly as to not harm it, I opened it and signed into my computer opening Spotify I put my hand back into the bag and grabbed my Bluetooth headphones.

   I looked at the side of them and flipped the small switch type thing turning them on. I put them over my ears and evidently felt the comfort of warmth on my ears as I heard the familiar 'do, do!' indicating that it had connected to my computer. I put the playlist 'classics' on, hearing the song shotgun by George Ezra playing. "hey!" I heard someone say while feeling a new presence beside me.

   I jumped slightly at the sudden talking and quickly looked over only to sigh with relief. It was just Colby, I moved the side of my headphone to the side so I could hear better. "hello," I say quickly and turn back to my computer " What Cha doing?" Colby asked me with genuine curiosity as they gently put down my coffee and sandwich which was on a plate that was blue with white curve lines on the sides as for my coffee was in a Christmas decorated plastic cup.

   "a school thing" that was a lie. I was actually planning something for my YouTube channel since my upload date was due, why did I lie? you may be asking well that's cause Colby doesn't know I'm a famous Youtuber. we may be friends but that doesn't mean I'm willing to let him know that, what if he tries to use me? I can't have that, not again. 

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