Chapter Two

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Johnny jolted awake from his peaceful slumber and fought the urge to shut his eyes and go back to sleep when he realized it was his phone that was making the sudden noise.

He then looked over to his alarm clock on his nightstand and cursed under his breath.

Its fucking six a.m.Who in their goddamn mind will call him so fucking early in the morning?

Johnny was battling hiself whether or not if he should ignore the damn phone and go back to dreamland,or answer the annoying device.

He was about to choose the first option and land his brown head on his soft white pillow,but paused.Which makes him look ridiculous with his head hovering over his pillow like there was a barrier stopping him from landing.

But forget that,

What if his mom was calling him?

Johnny sighed.'Oh what the hell.'

Being a momma's boy,Johnny decided to answer his still ringing phone and hoped his mom wouldn't be mad(or worried)because of her long wait.


"Hey,man!It's yo boy Lucas!"

Johnny had to remove the phone from his precious right ear  when he heard the familiar voice.

Shit,he should've checked the caller's ID.

He then regretted his decision.

Johnny sighed for the second time in the morning.Only this time,more frustrated.

"What is it?Why would you call me so fucking early in the morning?" Johnny asked while scratching behind his left ear.
"Its literally...", Johnny's voice trailed off and then looked at his alarm clock again before continuing, "...six a.m."

Johnny saved his ear again when Lucas' voice became an octave higher.
"Well good fucking morning to you too,man!"

Johnny rolled his eyes and yawned.

"Whats so good about mornings if you have to wake up from dreaming about rainbows and unicorns when an idiot decides to call you at fucking SIX A.M?!" Despite his yelling,he's still so fucking sleepy.

Lucas laughed.
"You dreamt about unicorns?"

"No,you fucking idiot." Johnny groaned.

Lucas laughed again.
"Whats so bad about unicorns?One time,I was dreaming about saving some princess from a hideous dragon.Dude,it was crazy!" Lucas exclaimed happily.TOO happy for a time like this. "And I tell ya,the princess was super hot.You know one of those cliche' movies where the prince and princess rides the royal horse to the kingdom and lived happily ever after?Instead,she was riding my dick like a -"

"Alright,enough." Johnny calmly interupted Lucas' dirty dream explaination eventhough he wanted to strangle him.
"Just tell me why you called me,got dammit."

"We found the President's son." Lucas finally revealed.

Johnny's eyebrows were reached to his hairline.

"Yup." Lucas answered. "It seems that the President's son was leading some gang to rob and kill someone."

Johnny was confused.
"Why in the hell would the President's son commit such a crime?" The information was really ridiculous actually.

Lucas snorted.
"How would I know?Anyway,you gotta come over here to investigate the scene."

Johnny grumbled.
"Out of all policemen,me?"

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