Chapter 4: Tequila

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Eren's POV

I walked down to the basement to see Hanji. Once I sat down on chair that was there, I felt more exhausted than I ever have been. "So how did it go with that murderous bitch" Hanji said with anger. "Please, not right now" I said tiredy. "If you're feeling like this after just supervising her for one do why not just let us execute-" she tells me "No." I tell her "let's do that experiment with how alcohol affects me." Hanji looks at me strangely "Didn't you say you were to young for alcohol?" I look at her. "I just want some alcohol, preferably something that's sweet and/or burns as it goes down" I told her. "Well, I could fix you up some Sangria that sweet but I recommend Tequila Silver Patron." She takes me up stairs. She grabs two shot glasses from a cupboard in the kitchen. She serves us each a glass of tequila. She grabs hers and drinks it all in one go. I do the same. As soon as it touched my tongue, I felt my mouth heat up a bit and tasted a bit bitter. Then it went to my throat, it coated my throat, it was light. It was dry yet moist at the same time. It left a sweet taste in my mouth. "So, what do you think of it?" She looked at me pouring herself yet another glass. "It's spicy yet sweet. I also like how it feels dry yet moist at the same time." I answer, telling her about what it felt like. "We still got a bunch left," she said holding up the bottle "from now we're both drinking buddies" She told me as she got up to get to replace our shot glass with regular sized cups. "What are you doing I asked her?" I asked her. "This is the proper way to drink tequila," she fills both of glasses with tequila, then puts down the tequila. "you take small drink and sips of it." I grab mine and start drinking. 

Hanji set her glass down after taking a small drink. "So do you wanna talk about how things are going?" She asked me with concerned look on her face. I put my glass of tequila down "Why am I still protecting her?" I asked myself more than Hanji. 

Hanji's POV

"Did they not tell him what his father said about Annie and him?" I thought to myself. "I know the crimes that she committed but I still just can't get myself fully hate her" Eren told me, putting his face into his hands. I look at him. "I hate her, you know that," I told him. "so I still find it strange why you decided to protect her." I grab my glass and start drinking. "I always trained with her, she seems like such a nice person," Eren said taking a drink "I think I still want to believe that she is. She even said that she regretted killing those people. That's why I want to forgive her, but something keeps holding me back. Even today, someone was gonna shoot her and I protected her before I could think." A tear went down Eren's face. "Huh, why am I crying?" He said wiping the tear away. I really wanted to tell him about his feelings for Annie but I knew that he had to discover them on his own. "Well, thanks for listening to me." He finished the remaining tequila in his glass and stood up. "No problem" I told him. He walked up the stairs. 

Eren's POV

I said goodbye to Hanji and walked back up to room. "Damn, Tequila sure taste good" I say to myself. I open the door to my room to see Annie sleeping. I just take of my shirt and lay down in bed. I look over at Annie. "Goodnight" I say quietly turn around and go to sleep.

Annie's POV

(In Dream) "Eren, please don't leave me." I shouted to him while crying. "You betrayed me," Eren looked at me with eyes that terrified me "I thought you changed." He began to walk away. I tried to shout out to him but my voice stopped working. "Annie, you said you would come home," it was my father "you promised me." He walked away as well. Reiner and Bert walked away from me. I saw a flash of lightning and I saw my self in titan form. I broke down the walls against my own will. I woke up, with tears streaming down my face. Eren was still asleep. I got out of bed and walked over to him. I tapped on his shoulder. "Eren" I whispered. "Yes Annie?" He asked. "Can I sleep with you?" I asked him "I had a nightmare." Eren scooted over and lifted his blanket. "Sure" He answered. I climbed into his bed and Eren lays the blanket on me. "Eren can you hold me please." I asked timidly. "Ummm, Sure" He says awkwardly. He wraps his arm around my waist and brings me closer to him. I felt his warmth against my body and I felt reassured that he was still with me. "Sorry if I smell like Alcohol" He told me shyly. "I don't smell it" I was telling the truth. "Okay then, goodnight" He says and slowly went to sleep. I shortly fell asleep as well.

A/N: Sorry if this chapter was shorter than others. Don't worry the next is coming soon. I'm writing this without a story pre written but I will write this start to finish. I will also finish these chapter with a bit from a song. so yeah

Por Mujeres como tu, Amor/ Hay hombres como yo/ Que se pueden perder en el alcohol/ por una decepción -Por Mujeres Como Tu by Pepe Aguilar

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