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The Meeting

"Hi, we meet again."

"Do I know you?" Mata menatapi muka jejaka di hadapannya sambil mengerutkan kening, seolah-olah cuba mengingati jejaka itu. Muka diseriouskan. Sungguh, mana mungkin dia lupa akan seraut wajah itu. Wajah yang telah cuba dipadamkan dari ingatannya.

"Then, it's a pleasure to meet you in person, Miss Izyan." Tangan dihulurkan tapi tidak bersambut oleh gadis di hadapannya. Kening dijungkitkan. Oh, kau buat-buat tak kenal,ya. Okay, let's see how far you want this to go. Game on,girl!

The Proposal


"Yes?" Pandangan dihalakan ke arah Efendi. Smart, handsome, financially stable, polite. Dream guy. Yeah, tell me who think otherwise. My childhood crush!

"Izzy, I've been thinking about this for quite sometimes.." nafas ditarik panjang. Mata bertentang mata dengan gadis di hadapannya.

"Ya, Fendi. Anything wrong?"

"Would you do me an honour and become my wife?" Nafas dilepaskan. Lega soalan itu telah dikemukakan. Siapa yang tak mahu memperisterikan gadis seperti Nur Izyan. Elegant, gorgeous, berkarisma, dan yang penting, she knows the right person in this industry. Tell me who can resist that? A man needs to get married anyway.

Matanya tidak berkelip sedari tadi. Betulkah apa yang didengarnya? Efendi Naufal, seorang usahawan terkenal melamarnya? Fendi? Fendi yang dulu pernah mengutuknya nerd, tembam? Yang pernah mempertawakan kebodohannya suatu ketika dahulu kerana selalu mengekorinya. Who cares about that anymore? We have come to good terms for the past two years. I've changed- my styles changed. OMG, he proposed, didn't he?

"Izzy.." Fendi memanggil Izzy kembali

"Yes, Fendi. I would love to." Izzy terkedu. Did I just say yes?

The Inner Battle

"Ya, Allah. Apa aku patut buat ni?" Izzy mengeluh perlahan. Mata ralit memandang cincin di jari manis nya. Fendi. Nafas dihembus perlahan. Kenapa rasa itu tidak hadir? Tak sama. Walau pun dipaksa, dibuat-buat, tetap tak sama. Mengeluh lagi

Seraut wajah itu kembali terukir di kotak fikiran. How can I forget? No, I never forget. But how come I accepted Fendi's proposal? Desperation? Urghhh, what kind of reason is that? It should be love, Izzy. L.O.V.E. Love! Well, I used to love him, I supposed. Still am. Am I? Think so. Of course I am! I always love him since we're 10!He's my first love! Kan?

Kepala digelengkan. Apa yang difikirkannya ni? Why I am not happy? I am supposed to be happy. The dream guy proposed and I accepted. I should be happy. I am engaged, err..sort of. Official engagement has not been done yet- orang Melayu kan.. kena la ikut adat, err.. but I've accepted. Again- why I am not happy?

You know the reason, Izzy. Don't fool yourself. You are married, for God sake. Still legally married!

Oh, crap!

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