Chapter one

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Fuck I was late again. I quickly brush my hair and teeth putting on some white shorts, purple tank, and some white vans. I rushed out of the house. Getting in my Lamborghini. I hurriedly backed out already 10 minutes late to school.
I made it to school a period late and I almost ran over two people on the way here. "Ms.rein" I hate when I am called by my last name honestly I don't know why but it irritates me. "Yes" i reply. "Tell the class what we have been learning. " the teacher tells me smiling innocently.
"That's not my job though it's yours" tilting my head to the side. He grits his teeth. The bell rings but the teacher request to see me after school which I agreed to. I walked to gym next. I was lazy and hated gym so I came up with the excuse I am on my period. He let me slide today sending me to the office. It was quiet and peaceful in the office and the secretary was so nice. The door flung open. And I snap to the side to see the most gorgeous man ever. He had jet black hair that had a messy style, a white tank that hugged in his stomach, plush pink lips that you think that you could kiss all day, hazel eyes that you could look Into forever, and what topped it off was his deep dimples. I felt my cheek heat up. Damn he was smexy. I cover my face with my hair to hide that I was blushing. But of course he had to ruin his perfect entrance. He kept ringing the bell on the counter like a little kid until the secretary got up placing her hand over his she gave him a welcoming smile "Apollo black, correct?" The secretary said. I have heard that name before but I couldn't remember where...
"Correct " he said back winking at her she kept her generous smile but you could see disgust written on her face. She handed him the paper with his classes on it. He nodded and folded shoving it in his pocket. "See ya later gorgeous" he walked out waving bye to her. The third period bell rung. English my favorite. I skipped to class looking like a idiot my name was called. "Alexus" I screamed. "did you just transfer?!" I practically shouted but I didn't care. I missed her so much we were friends in 2nd grade but I moved away when I reached middle school. I look around. "Where's your brother?" Still looking around I mean I never felt a attracted to him but we talked and played together. "Probably flirting" she rolled her eyes. She was so pretty. She had long wavy black hair that reached her mid back, blue eyes that looked like the sea, a perfectly curved and shaped body, and she always smells like strawberries. "So I guess we have lots of catching up to do. " we laughed. We had different classes. All of them. It sucked. The second bell rung and we gave each other a quick hug going into different directions.
Hey guys sorry such a short chapter this is my first story and I hope you guys enjoy it!!!

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