十äŗ” | Twinkling star

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"Quick question: can you climb a wall?" I needed to get that question out of the way because if she then that would be a slight problem. Only a slight one.

"Watch me,"

I do so and on a flash (L/n) jogs backwards and drives herself forward. She hits the wall with her foot and does a graceful 180° and perfectly lands on top of the brick wall. "You coming or what?"

I get out of my state of shock, scrambling up the wall. But sadly not as elegantly as (L/n) did though.

Once I'm at the top (L/n) checks her phone and possibly to check the time; most likely anyways. I read over her shoulder and it's really late now:

12:56 am

Have we really been out for over 30 minutes? Must have got caught up with everything and didn't realise how late it is. Peering over (L/n)'s shoulder again I see a message pop. And the name for it was rather shall I say exotic.

40-year-old hag 👹

(Y/n), me and your father are going on a 3 week journey for business matters. You better be looking after the house and I want it spotless by the time I'm back. Behave also.

An audible murmur of disgust escapes from (L/n)'s lips and she ferociously types away. I try to ignore the name she put for her mother and look away. Ah! Typical (n/n) – chan! She has to be the Cinderella of the family then.


Okay I will. Have a safe trip. Bye.

I cringe at her response. It was so dry and bland I would have never wanted to text her if she replied like that. I could tell her relationship with her mother wasn't the sweetest. What if she's more of a father's girl? I twitch as I think of the 'father'. Oh how I dread to hear or say that. I'd sacrifice my life any day than seeing... him.

She raises her head from her phone and heaves a light sigh. "You ok?" I ask her.

"Yeah. I'm fine," she still looks at the sky, "isn't the night so beautiful, here's a pretty good view of it too."

I stare at the midnight sky and it's galaxy colour gleaming with pride, the stars all dancing with each other. I could just stay here forever with (n/n) till dawn arrives. "I can show more places like this," I suggest to her.

A/n: really wanted Todo to say "I can show you the world" for some reason.

Her head swivels as I say the words excited at the thought. "Really?"

"Sure I know many places in fact. I could take you to one of them on Saturday if you're free,"

"Ok Sherlock," she giggles. "Ill have to see my schedule for if I have any events but for now it's a yes. But don't get hopes too high."

I pump my first in the air, silently hissing a yes. She playfully punches my arm and reminds me it's still a maybe. I don't care I know she's gonna come and that's all I need to know.

A relaxing quietness falls upon between us, and what we just did was look up into the sky and the fascinating constellations of animals, the big dip and many others. Both of us in our own world's having a daydream or should I say nightdream. I'm not that good at jokes. (L/n) pokes my arm and I face her. She hands over one of her air pods and shows me on her phone a Lo-fi playlist. It was as if she always knew that's one of my favourite genres to listen to. I take it from her and put it in my ear.

For a while we were just listening to the music. (N/n)'s head was nodding slightly to the beat of the music her eyes were closed and a faint smile was on her face the whole time. By a little I stretch my arm out to get rid of the stiffness in it. By mistake my hand softly touches (n/n)-chan's hand. A pink tint goes in my cheeks and I quickly take my hand away turning the opposite side of her so she won't see that I'm blushing. "Sorry." That was all I could say. She must of been in the same expression as me because she was stammering her words.

"I... I... it's ok."

For the rest of the night we were listening to the music. And it was like the rest of the world froze.
I decided to add the 'accidently touches your hand' scene in every romance anime ever and I think it worked out pretty well. And I'm so grateful for the support you guys are amazing. I'm planning to make another story a Kageyama x reader one (for all my milk boi kinnies) so I was wondering should I do it now or later on when I nearly finished this book? Also I wanna give you guys a cute nickname so leave suggestions in the comments. Already got one which is Mimi that's my friend's name btw. Have a lovely day or night 🌺

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