~•. Chapter Two .•~

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- Needles
- blood
- death
- mental illness


The scent of loved ones wash away as the blood of corpses run dry through their veins. The hunger the brain-dead doctors and nurses felt, to ram needles and wires making patients slaves to the debt of health care. Her ears hear the relatable screeches of pain and agony, leading to an uncomfortable feeling of terror... Her head aching from the loud sirens calling out for the last piece of hope... before death takes its course. Even though she's miles away, she can feel all the blood on her hands, as they take course on mutilating all they innocent, harmless human beings...Annie just watches over Rose, and looks at every description of her.

Rose wears casual clothing, but fits in her indie aesthetic. White air force 1s, with colourful, shining beads on the laces. Cute mom jeans with a classy t-shirt. Comfy and warm, with a cardigan as bright as the sun. Thick eyeliner, so visible, that it attracts everyone's attention just walking past her.

Lips, soft as a red rose petal. Thick black hair running down her chest, glowing like her skin. The tone of her skin was a shimmering golden-brown. She was gorgeous.

But, now she is lying on a light blue hospital bed with paper sheets that feel like sandpaper upon her soft, silky skin. Sweat droplets upon her forehead shining; her eyes squint as the bright light of the sun is too much for her to handle. Her chocolate brown eyes, pools of honey, shone as the sunlight danced upon them. Her actual body the bruises marks of needles and wires attached to her making her feel almost robotic.


I have just woken up, from what felt like a century's worth of tragedy. Just clueless. Where am I? How did I get here? Who brought me here? What happened? I knew absolutely nothing whatsoever. However, I saw one girl sitting next to me. She looks like she's been here for a while. I wonder how long I've been passed out for...

The girl was fast asleep, she looks cute when she's asleep. But, that didn't answer what was going on. She can't answer my questions right now. Judging by the looks of it, I'm at a hospital. But what hospital? How did I get here? And still, I don't know what happened. I can't stand being left clueless. I hate being left without knowing all the information that I should or want to know. I despise it. I can't see where to go from my current state if I don't even know what's going on.

The girl woke up, and that's when it finally hit me. She was the girl who saved me from... "MY FAMILY!" I screamed in terror as I just remembered what had happened, and I was left in a shock of horror. The girl complained, "What's wrong? You sounded like a dinosaur roaring for help!" I felt quite embarrassed at that point. I just got compared to a dinosaur. Just so pathetic...

This girl though... What was her name? How do I know her? She seems so familiar, it feels like something supernatural. She looked too ordinary to be an angel or something, but if you look at her hair. It shines like it's the sun itself. Her smile, it looked like it was enough to brighten up someone's day without even having to try. Her dress looked like she came straight from heaven, as an angel. Like in one of them fairytales, where the angel comes and falls in love with some lost human. Living in complete despair, but doesn't let that get in the way of his or her feelings.

I didn't even get a chance to think how I knew her, I just went back to sleep. I was probably just exhausted, and tired from all the trauma. It's a lot to take in, especially when you're stuck up in a hospital like this. It looks so boring and plain. There was no taste, no colour, no feelings expressed, no emotions. Just depressing.

I only remember parts of my dream, it was just like that fairytale. But just the start. How we met. It started at the place the accident happened. She was... well it looked like she was spying on me? Stalking me? Watching over me like a goddess from above? I wasn't so sure, as she never showed any reactions, until the whole car accident happened. She looked traumatized, like she felt that she was dying herself. She didn't even have to think for a split second before having to go and save me. Feels like fate has brought us together.

She ran away afterwards though, and only came to the hospital, and registered herself as my cousin. I've never met her though, and I've met all my cousins. That left me waking up. She was gone by that time though. Curious to find out where she went, I left my room and went to see where she went. But a nurse stopped me and already, the girl was back again. I felt relaxed when she arrived. I felt as if I had someone watching over me. The nurse told me to take these medications and told me that I have insomnia, due to the accident, causing a lot of stress and panic to start easily. Soon afterwards, a doctor walked in. He walked in as if someone had just died, and he had just witnessed the whole thing, not being able to do a single thing.

...Which leads me here. I... Just found out what happened to my family. This whole time I thought they were safe. I shattered, broke down, left myself in tears. I didn't care what was waiting for me, death or torture. I needed it, I couldn't let myself live, after my family wept out, and I wasn't able to save them... I don't deserve to live if my family wasn't allowed to live longer. I can't live without them. They're the reason I always felt loved, cared for, looked after. They make my life whole.

But then, I looked at the girl. She was back, and she  was asleep in again...She looked adorable. I even felt this weird sensation in my stomach. I've never felt like this before, it was unusual. Maybe it was all the medications I had to take from that nurse. Or maybe I'm feeling something I never felt before. I doubt it though, it's probably just the medications. Though, I don't think medications are meant to make you feel like this. I guess I've just got to stick with it though. When I looked at the girl again, I knew I looked flustered. It was so weird, at least she couldn't see me stare at her like someone who is her secret admirer; even stalks her! In broad daylight! I would never do something like that! Though I can't stop thinking to myself if I would do it, because it's just her... She woke up and caught me staring at her. Oh. My. Gosh. It was so awkward, I was wishing that this was all in my head. This is so embarrassing. I wasn't even aware that she woke up! This is going to be a tough one to fix, now I probably do look like a stalker...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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