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•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••NINIS POVit was hell

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it was hell.
tutoring him, having to pretend everything between us was normal. having to pretend we were strangers.

every wednesday at 4 i tutored him & we kept our conversations strictly school related. then, after tutoring, he'd pack up his stuff and kameron was always waiting for him. seeing them together hurt me.

i've tried to move on but all i think about is him. i go to cheer, go home, & it's a cycle up until wednesdays. i can't move on until i get closure.

i need to know if he has some feelings for me. i want us to go back to being friends, no matter how hard it is for me to contain my feelings.

it was wednesday again, & i sat in the library waiting for him. i looked up from the textbook to see him and kameron arguing. i heard some yelling, but it was pretty faint. i saw him roll his eyes & he walked into the library and sat next to me.

i quickly shifted my eyes back to the book and i heard him quietly laugh.

'i saw you looking, neens.'

i felt my cheeks turn red. he hasn't called me neens in forever.

'my bad bowen. couldnt help but get distracted by the yelling in the hallway.'

we both laughed and quietly stared at eachother.

'do you think we could talk?'

i looked at him and slightly nodded. 'of course ricky. i'm always gonna be here for you. i promised that.'

he smiled and nodded. 'look. neens.' he sighed and did the thing with his hand when he was nervous. 'im so sorry. i ran away from my problems. it's all i'm used to. i've done it my entire life. but you taught me better and the one thing i shouldn't have ran from was you. i said some things i shouldn't have because you were with conan and you were happy and i was jealous because it wasn't with me.' he took a deep breath. 'but neens, i'm in love with you still. i never stopped. and quite frankly, i dont know why i'm with kameron but you're all i ever think about.' he paused for a minute.

'i love you neens. and, it's okay if you don't feel the same way but-'

i couldn't help it. i don't know what came over me but i cut him off by attaching my lips to his. there we were, in the middle of the library, kissing. i know it was wrong because he had a girlfriend, but i needed to do it. i got my closure.

we pulled away and we sat there, smiling.

'neens i-.'

i sighed and shushed him. 'i know ricky. before we go any further you need to tell her.'

he sighed and nodded his head.

'we can talk about this later. we need to talk about this later. i have a lot to say.' i told him. he agreed and we picked up the books and put them away.

kameron stood by the library door, waiting for him. he sighed and looked at me. i mouthed 'good luck' and he smiled.

i sighed and i saw the pair walk away.

me and ricky just kissed.

i loved it.

i pulled kameron into an empty classroom, and closed the door behind us.

'what happened babe?' she looked up at me and i sighed.

'look kameron.. we've been dating for 2 weeks.' i took a deep breathe and my breathing got shaky. 'but i can't pretend to like you when im in love with someone else.'

she looked at me and i saw the tears form in her eyes. she pursed her lips and i nodded. 'i understand ricky. thank you for telling me. i respect you for not leading me on.' she smiled at me.

'do you think we can be friends?'

i smiled at her and nodded. 'of course, kameron. i hope you find a guy who loves you and can make a commitment much better than i did.'

she laughed. 'yeah, you suck..'
'but nina is lucky to have a guy like you in her life.'

my eyes widened and my cheeks flushed red. 'i- how did you-'

she laughed. 'i'm a girl ricky. i know. i approve of her. she's a sweet girl.'

i pulled her in for a hug and smiled. 'thank you for being so understanding, kam.'

she smiled. 'yeah yeah. now go get her ricky.'

i smiled and thanked her once more before running back to the library to find nini.

there she was, sitting so beautifully at the table we always sat at.

'howd it go?' she said, running up to me.

i pulled her in for a kiss and her hands made her way to my hair, playing with it.

she pulled away and playfully hit my arm, rolling her eyes. 'bowen. i told you we have to talk.'

i smirked at her and she rolled her eyes, placing one more kiss on my lips.

'let's go to mine.' she said. i nodded and we made our way to my car.

once we got to ninis, we went upstairs to her room. she motioned for me to sit down text to her on her bed, so i did.

she took a deep breath. 'i'm gonna be honest. i was confused. for a long time. you completely abandoned me and i was so hurt and lost. i didn't know where i went wrong.' she sighed and i pulled her closer to me, and she laid in my arms.

'every night i was left thinking. it helped a lot. it made me realize how i felt about you.' she got up and looked me in the eyes.

'ricky. i love you. i've known it for a while. you're my bestfriend. you make me a better person. i was so miserable when we didn't talk. i felt like i had nothing.' she had tears in her eyes.

'it took me a while to realize how i felt but it's you, bowen. it's always been you.'

i looked at her and smiled. i grabbed her hands & put then to my face. 'it's always been you neens. no doubt in my mind. i love you.'

once again, we locked lips. it felt like sparks with nini. she was everything. she made my heart skip a million beats.

we pulled away and she laid her head on my shoulder.

'i don't think we should jump into a relationship right away.' she said. i looked at her confused.

'i think a couple dates. you know, make up for lost time.'

i nodded at her and smiled. 'i think that's a great idea beautiful.'

she smiled at me and her cheeks turned red. she grabbed her tv remote and turned the tv on. she laid down and patted next to her. 'come on.'

'uh neens i-'

'lets. go.'

i playfully rolled my eyes and laid next to her. she snuggled in my arms and i admired her.

i don't wanna lose her again, ever.

im so in love with her. shes my calmness in all the madness.

without her, i'm not myself.

𝐢𝐟 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐫𝐲 | riniWhere stories live. Discover now