v, altercation in the infirmary

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Melanie just kept running, being pulled by Thomas through the tiled hallways

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Melanie just kept running, being pulled by Thomas through the tiled hallways. His grip was tight, bordering on possessive. His hand seemed to fit in hers as if they were for each other, their fingers never forgetting the feeling of being connected, even if they thought they had.

Minho, confused by his friend's odd behaviour towards this girl, questioned if they could really trust her and Aris. Melanie understood where this came from, she of all people couldn't critique anyone for being hesitant to trust. However, a stubborn scoff still left her rosy lips.

Thomas was quick to defend Aris and Melanie. He trusted both of those people with his life, knowing if their hands he'd be safe. "You don't know to know where we'd be without Aris, trust me, and I'd probably be dead if it wasn't for Melanie", the boy confessed. Melanie didn't exactly know what he meant about her saving him from death, but it ignited a warm feeling in her chest.

"I promise you Min, you can trust her", Daniel declared, placing his hand on the former keeper's shoulder.

Minho's eyes flickered to the brunette, currently being dragged by Thomas. Despite Thomas' and Daniel's reassurance, she could tell that he did not trust her. His chocolate eyes shone with distrust, clear as the stars in the sky.

Abruptly, Thomas is skidding to a harsh stop, jerking Melanie with him. She grumbled, cursing him under her breath. The obviously sinister threats had no effect on Thomas, his lips quirking in response. The group turned the corner at speed, nearly slamming into a doctor with a clipboard in her hand. She looked startled, a deer in headlights.

Suddenly, a loud alarm rang throughout the facility; loudly, very loudly. The intensity had Melanie's brain throbbing. The doctor looked anxious, about to call for help, alerting guards to their position. On instinct, Melanie lunged forward, grabbing this doctor's arm tightly and twisting it behind her back. She winced in pain.

"Jesus, Melanie", Daniel commented, with blown out pupils. Somehow, his memories with Melanie didn't reveal her ability to defend herself, and others. It made the boy wonder what else he didn't know about his twin sister.

Melanie rolled her eyes, effectively ignoring her brother. She gazed at Thomas, raising her eyebrows and gesturing between her and the hostage they'd just captured. "So, what's next", she asked to Thomas, who too seemed dumbfounded by her. He cleared his throat, snapping himself out of his stupor. He grabbed the Doctor's other arm, leading her and the group towards the hospital wing.

They continued going down the corridor, only to be met with a guard holding a gun. He spots them, firing on sight. The teenagers barely dodged the bullets, ducking down. "Why are they shooting at us?", Melanie heard one of the boys shout. She scoffed at his stupidness, earning a jab from Daniel and a warning glare from Thomas. Instead of sticking her tongue out, the headstrong girl swallowed her overwhelming pride and remained silent.

Moving from her position on the floor, Minho charged at the guard, slamming him into the wall, leaving him unconscious. The boy shuffled, grabbing the man's gun. Thomas took off again, maintaining his death grip on his past lover's wrist.

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